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It was the first day of his work today, he was getting ready for the new phase of his life. But what he didn't know was that it was in fact new phase for him.

He tied the knot of his tie and sported his watch on his wrist, finally putting on his shoes, he left the room grabbing his laptop bag with him.

His company has held an introductory session for him more like a welcoming ceremony. He entered the office and met with officials. He was handed several bouquets and welcome cards. He made his way to his new cabin and settled all the bouquets around which made his cabin smell like a flower shop.

In the afternoon he was supposed to be presented with a financial report by some employee was told by one of his seniors. His cabin was made in such a way that a glass window was present, if he would remove the blinds then he could look over the whole floor which was filled with many cubicles.

After settling his desk and looking over his whole cabin with a smile, he removed the blinds of his window and looked over the floor. His gaze stopped on a particular girl who had her back towards him, her cubicle was so near to his cabin that he could even hear her conversation.

Another girl was talking to her, the girl he was noticing had her hairs tied in a high ponytail, he felt a familiar sensation building inside him. He wished to see the face of that girl.

"Arey, Waah colour to bahut accha aaya hai tumhe!" Another girl told the girl who had her back to him.

(Oh, wow the colour is so dark!)

"I always get dark colour in my henna." The girl said looking at her henna clad hands and truly her henna was dark maroon.

"So, Engagement happened nicely?" The other girl asked.

"Alhamdulillah, Everything happened in a good way." The girl replied and her voice seemed so familiar to him.

"So when is the wedding?" The other girl asked.

"By the end of this year, the age is also appropriate for marriage now, I also don't want any delay moreover." The girl said and he felt something pricked in his heart.

He so badly wanted to see her face, he somehow hoped it was her but he also knew it was not quite possible.

"Aakifa" Someone called her name and she turned around.

His heartbeat skipped for a moment seeing her, She was still looking the same as she looked the first time he had seen her. The same high ponytail, her doe shaped eyes with brown orbs. Looking at her seemed like the past few years he hasn't lived without her. Seeing her made him realise how much he missed her.

But before he could drown further in her thoughts, he remembered the conversation she had. Engagement, Marriage?

'Is she...is she getting married?' He thought.

'So what were you thinking that she will wait for you her entire life?' His conscience mocked him.

Then his gaze fell on her hand and true she was wearing a delicate ring on her ring finger. He huffed out, What was he thinking? Why would she wait for him after what he had done to her!

All the melancholy, heartbreak, and longing returned to him. How much he wished to embrace her in his arms! To hold her, to listen to all her complaints, to apologize to her for all the past incidents! To make her his!

He was brought out of his reverie by a knock on the door, he straightened his clothes and schooled his expressions before allowing the person to come inside.

"Welcome Sir, Sorry I got a bit late. This is the report..." And she suddenly ceased looking at his face. She was stunned to see him here.

She has never expected to see him here. The diverse emotions went through her whole being but then she finally settled on one major emotion which was Anger.

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