Chapter 19 - Confronted by Thomas

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The next day when Eleanor got to breakfast, she was surprised to see that everyone was already there eating, everyone except Henry.

She sat down and whispered to Joan, "Is Henry not having breakfast with us today?"

"No, apparently he got called away on some unexpected business that suddenly came up, but he said to tell you he'll be back in time for the ball tomorrow."

Eleanor's stomach tightened into a knot. Her gut was telling her he was avoiding her after what happened in the garden last night. She had been anxious about how awkward it was going to be to face him after that and apparently he felt the same way.

The doors to the dining hall opened and a man in a suit came in and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt the meal, but I wanted to make Miss Eleanor aware that she has a visitor waiting for her in the Great Hall."

"I have a visitor?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes madam. A Mister Thomas Fletcher."

Her heart sank. When she had gotten back to her room last night, she had sent out a letter to Thomas breaking off their engagement by way of the royal messenger and apparently they were very fast. Too fast. She wasn't prepared to face him yet.

"Thank you. Please let him know I am eating and will be there shortly."

"Yes Madam," he said with a bow of his head before leaving the room.

Eleanor sat there eating her breakfast as slowly as possible, dreading the conversation she was about to have. When she couldn't put it off any longer, she got up and headed down the hallway towards the Great Hall.

When she turned the corner into the large open room, she saw Thomas standing next to a marble statue of Henry with his arms crossed, looking angry.

She walked over hesitantly and said, "Thomas?"

Thomas turned and noticed her for the first time, narrowing his eyes and raising her letter in the air.

"What the hell is this?" he asked angrily. "You think you can just use me to gain access to the Royal Family and to teach you the manners of a courtier and then drop me the moment someone better comes along?"

"No, that's not what happened," she said, shaking her head.

He scoffed. "As if I would believe YOU. After the reports I've been hearing, it's obvious you aren't the kind of person I thought you were. I'm just glad I found out now, before we got married."

"What kind of reports have you been hearing?" she asked defensively.

"Oh where should I begin?" he asked with a sarcastic laugh, throwing his arms out to the side. "The guards have told me that you answered your door to the King in your undergarments, that you spent the night in his private chambers, that you go on strolls with him at all hours of the night and don't come back until dawn! Does that sound like proper behavior for a betrothed woman?"

She was flustered and lost for words. She couldn't believe the guards in the castle had been spying on them and telling Thomas everything.

"All of that makes me sound terrible, but it's not what you think."

"Oh it's not? So you're completely innocent? You'll probably say you didn't get engaged to Lord Walton while you were already betrothed to me as well!" he shouted.

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