20. The Relations.

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Melissa's POV:

My life is getting scarier as the days pass. Every day, every minute feels like that it could be the last moment of my life. It feels that I have been locked up in his room for eternity.

It's been a while since I last saw him. He hardly came into this room. The only person coming in was a new young maid I don't know the name of. I have asked her many times that what is going around in this house but she just keeps the food tray on the table and leaves. And the only other people I saw these days are the two guards guarding the door outside.

Recently I heard from one of those guards that Blake's father is a very influential man. Even the police are afraid of him. He is very wealthy and highly dangerous. He is a businessman but behind his legal business, he also does illegal business which helps politicians and others. He has never been caught as he always finds the loopholes and escapes them. And if there's no loophole then the person who dares to dig about him dies a miserable death. So, Nobody questions his actions and nobody dares to go against him. He is like a godfather to every person who lives in London. He can make people's life or can destroy them within seconds. And now that he is no more, all the power is under Blake now. I am not at all positive about getting my freedom back. I can't even ask for help from the police and the locals here are also quite scared of William Family.

I miss my family so much. They would have been so worried. My mom would have freaked out. Probably the police would have been searching for me now. Blake has not allowed me to talk to them ever since that incident happened. That unknown guy barging and ugh... That guy has never left my brain. Those memories haunt me every night. That's the reason I have not even slept soundly. Although my neck is a little less swollen now due to all the medicines which I have been taking every day.

"What are you thinking Mel?"

The voice draws my attention and I look at him, standing at the door with his hands folded at his chest.

"A way to kill you?" I roll my eye and blurt out.

He laughs and I give him a questioning look.

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

"Oh, are you angry because you missed me, baby?" He walks into the room.

"Missed you? Me? Don't say the impossible please."

"Oh, I thought you would want to meet Ella. But anyway it seems your mood is bad. I will go then." He says and turns around to walk out.

Ella's name catches my attention and I immediately jump out of the bed and run to him. Is he going to let me meet her?

"Wait wait. Umm, let me meet her please, please." I make the best puppy face I could.

His corner of the lips curls upwards and he takes one step towards me and pulls me into his arms. I don't struggle as I don't want the chance to meet her. So I stay calm and look at him.

I could feel him twirling my strand of hair between his fingers at my back. He looks into my eyes deeply and his glistened eyes turn a darker shade.

"You can meet her for only 10 minutes. Not more than that. And I will be in the room."
He says and lifts me bridal style simultaneously. I don't care if he is in the room, the only thing that matters to me is to see Ella now.
He keeps chanting his rules till we reach Ella's room. He gently places me down and pecks me on the forehead. We both enter the room and I see her. My eyes well up, as soon as I see her small figure laying down on the bed with her back facing me.
I slowly walk towards her and place my hand on her shoulder.

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