Chapter Twenty-One

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Fabian's  Pov

I watched her sleep like a freaking psychopath. 

She looked so beautiful. The most angelic face I’ve ever seen was right in front of me, and I wish it will stay that way forever. 

I’m aware that I may seem like a creep, just staring at her sleeping state with her lips slightly ajar and her chest rising and falling in slow breaths. 

I’d done the same thing last night too. After hours of talking and cheering me up, she finally fell asleep like this in front of me. I’d watched her sleep for at least an hour before my own slumber took me whole. 

Her entire presence radiated peace. And I never want to lose that. 

Paris had shown me time and time again that she won't leave me, no matter how messed up I am in my mind. I tried to ghost her two times since we started hanging out, and it all had been in vain. She always found her way back to me. 

When I came home from the gym and saw her in my bed last night, I was so happy, confused and relieved at the same time. Happy to see her, confused as to why she was  passed out in my bed and relieved that she actually came back to me again.

I’d be a fool if I let her go this time around, no matter how f**cked up I am. 

I hate to agree with my asshole brother, but he was damn right when he said that Paris is the only human being that can stable my f**cked up mind. I have absolutely no clue how this tiny little human with a bob haircut and the cutest nose, managed to fall into my life that night and turn it upside down.  


Maybe the universe pitied me, and as much as I hate being pitied, I freaking love it this time. Because I undoubtedly and definitely needed her. 

She stirred a little, showing me that she was returning to the conscious world. I stiffened for God knows what reason as I anticipated her awake. 

The eyes I’ve grown so much to love fluttered open, immediately meeting mine with all their beauty. And then her lips started to twitch and her heart warming smile graced her morning features as she reached up to run a finger over my cheek. 

My nerves immediately reacted and my whole body shivered at the light gesture. 

God, Paris. If you should ever know the effect you have on me. 

“Good morning, Charmer,” she mumbled, barely audible since her mouth was mostly closed. I had no idea how she did it, but it was hilarious. 

“Good morning, Skates.” I returned the greeting boldly with a smirk pulling at my lips. I couldn’t help it, because the shock that fell on her face showed me that my assumptions were right. 

“How come you don’t have morning breath?” she asked as she used her hand to cover her mouth. She's too cute. 

I shrugged against the pillows. “Magic powers.” 

For a minute her expression seemed like she actually believed me. This no doubt had been bursting out in laughter, as her cheeks tinted in the cutest pink in embarrassment. She hit my arm as she shuffled from the bed towards my attached bathroom. 

“Paris!” I called after her as she waddled over to the door in my huge sweats. They aren’t actually huge. But she makes them seem huge. 

“Leave me alone!” she shot back. I could tell that she was only annoyed, but she didn’t mean it. If I’m being fair, I do tease her a lot.

Rejected By My Bestfriend, Accepted By The BadboyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora