Chapter Twenty- Five

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Nervous wasn't the word to describe how I felt.

I was anxious. I was freaking out. But most of all, I was excited.

It was finally the day of my date with Fabian. He didn't make it easy with figuring out what he had been planning, but I did soon enough.

I figured it was a dinner date when he asked me what flavour champagne I preferred. He tried to make it seem like a harmless casual question, but after a whole week of being secretive, he should've known I would've figured it out. I wasn't really a fussy person, but I was happy with whatever he chose.

"You actually look nice, dork." My sister stood in my doorway with a stupid smirk on her face. I couldn't even throw her a glare like I used to because I actually believed her.

I don't think there is a record in time where I looked this beautiful. I spent my entire Saturday morning at the salon, getting my haircut again, just how he liked it, but it was a bit different this time. My bob no longer looked like Dora's, but it swept my shoulder on both sides while the back curled a little shorter than at the sides.

My hair brought out my plump cheeks, but it only made my smile seem brighter. I didn't use a lot of make-up, but I added eyelash extensions, blush and lip gloss, as well as a light layer of foundation that surprisingly worked well after only two YouTube tutorials.

But the dress was what had me in awe. Pooled at my thighs was a royal blue ruffled dress, which left my shoulders bare and hugged my top half closely. It wasn't too formal, but it wasn't casual either. I paired it with my silver stilettos and a silver choker. My mom also saw it fit to paint my nails with her glittery silver nail polish, and I loved it all.

I beamed at my reflection once again before turning to face my sister.

"What do you want, Cynthia? I am in a good mood today. Don't spoil it."

She simply shrugged before turning on her heels before she spoke. "Your boyfriend just arrived. I'd tell you to hurry up. Dad is giving him the eye."

I groaned at this, feeling embarrassed by the simple thing. But when dad gives someone 'the eye', it couldn't be good.

I quickly grabbed my purse and turned off my room lights before making my way out and towards the stairs. I could hear hush voices from downstairs as Cynthia texted away on her phone while she walked ahead of me.

Fabian's voice was clear, and as usual, he sounded confident and undeniably sexy.

I also heard my mom. Luckily, she sounded pleasant. As for my dad, I knew he was going to be a more rigid shell to crack. Even though conversations of Fabian being a 'bad influence' were at the dinner table almost every night since we started hanging out, I confided in my mom and got her on my side with this. I told them both how I felt about Fabian compared to how I felt for Colton. But my dad, as it seems, will always be team Colton.

I just hope it's temporary. Fabian is, after all, a great guy.

My steps echoed through the room as I descended the stairs, and soon the voices grew silent. My sister pointed in the direction of the dining room before she left.

"Oh, by the way, I'm borrowing your car tonight. You know, since you're going on a date and all," she said, lifting her head from her phone for a second to make eye contact. I rolled my eyes but said nothing. I knew she was already grounded for taking my car two days ago, but she never learns.

She was just lucky that dad was too focused on my date to hear what she had to say. I sometimes regret teaching her how to drive. Because now she drives illegally whenever I am not using my car, despite how many times she gets punished.
With one final wave in her direction, I headed for the dining room, where three pairs of expected eyes found me as I entered. They all stood as if I was a bride starting the procession. First, I met eyes with Fabian. His were wide and sparkling, and his mouth was slightly ajar, but there still sat a small simper on his soft lips.

Rejected By My Bestfriend, Accepted By The BadboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora