The Elevenses and Beyond

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"It is truly one of the most charming cottages in Fleckney," Imogen drew out, looking over the Swallow Barn. "It was renovated several years ago, and they'd done such an excellent job preserving its authentic look. I remember what it looked like when I was a child."

"When it was renovated, it still belonged to your cousin," Dr. Holyoake said, climbing out of her car. She pushed her sunglasses up into her stylish curls, and gave the cottage a glance over. "It is indeed charming. And it has magical powers," she added with some sort of a small cheeky laugh. Imogen threw her a confused look. "When it belonged to Clem," the doctor explained, "she met John. They had to cohabitate in it for a while, and they fell in love in just a fortnight. Then, his brother Will got stuck in it with Fiona, it took them half the time to get together, and now she's Fiona Holyoake. They bought the cottage from Clem, who lives in London these days. So, it's safe to assume, the cottage won't be performing its unnatural matchmaking sorcery anymore, since I doubt they'll be taking lodgers," she finished sarcastically.

They came up to the entrance door, and Viola rang the bell. Imogen squared her shoulders and swallowed nervously. The door opened, and Will Holyoake greeted them with a silent calm smile.

"Hello," Viola answered, her face lighting up with warmth.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek, and then shifted the gaze of his bright blue eyes on Imogen.

"Hello," Imogen squeaked.

He stepped back and to the side, letting them in. The first thing Imogen noticed inside was an immense tower of Amazon boxes, almost reaching the ceiling.

"Oh dear," Viola said and shook her head. "Baby preparations?"

"Baby preparations," Will answered.

Imogen had seen his photos on the backs of his books, and they'd met several times in social circumstances - and yet, she found herself quite affected by his presence. He was a tall, heavily built man; with dark hair, wavy just as all Holyoakes had; and a thick short beard, slightly unkempt and bushy. Although walking with a cane, he radiated strength and agility, contained under his quiet and temperate facade.

Something fell in the depth of the cottage, with a defining crash, and Imogen heard a small yelp. She'd been right: Will Holyoake could move fast, despite his disability. Viola rushed after him, and Imogen froze in the middle of the hall. She decided to give the Holyoakes a few moments to determine whether it was a family, and slash or private matter. She was fully prepared to leave if it were the case - and then she heard melodious laughter from the kitchen, and a pleasant female voice called, "Ms. Fox! Please, come!"

Imogen gingerly stepped towards the kitchen, and she found quite a picture. Will Holyoake stood near a chair, supporting his wife with his large hands on her hips, while she stood on it, holding a woven basket in her hands. On the floor of the kitchen, there lay scattered doll heads - and the view was both entertaining, and rather disturbing at the same time, especially considering that some of them had one or both eyes open. Imogen shivered under their unblinking stares.

"I apologise," Fiona Holyoake said and gave Imogen a wide grin. "They were in the cupboard above the sink, and then I wobbled, and–" Will Holyoake gave out a half huff, half sigh, and Fiona looked at him. "I know, I know! I'm not supposed to be climbing." He raised his left eyebrow just a smidge. "Yes, yes," she said hurriedly. "Especially because I'm not supposed to be 'wobbling,' but I finally remembered where they were!" Her husband repeated the huff-sigh. "Yes, yes," she answered his non-verbal remark. "I'll ask you to get them next time. Oh, what am I doing?! I'm being uncivil. Take me down, please."

He did - and Imogen found it quite charming that he could just pick up his wife like a porcelain statuette around her waist, still slim in her expectant condition, and put her down on the floor.

The Toast of the Town (Fox & Oakby Murder Mysteries Book III)Where stories live. Discover now