The Mayor, One Stone, and Two Birds

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Dinner was to be served in half an hour, and after greeting her cordially, the Titan excused himself and left for his study in the company of the silent and grim-faced Mayor. Imogen was immediately cornered by Petra and the Headmistress, both women loudly expressing their exhilaration. Imogen mumbled her thank-you's, nodded, and let them embrace her. The Headmistress kept gushing about the ring, Petra suggested one honeymoon destination after another. They seemed to be getting along splendidly, Imogen noticed with relief. She'd been quite worried how Mrs. Dyre would take the fact that her father was now involved with the archeologist. After all, it was quite clear that Petra was nothing like the Titan's previous, non-committed associations. Perhaps, Petra's chaotic charm had worked its magic on the Headmistress - or perhaps, the latter was in a benevolent mood these days. Imogen couldn't help but think back at the conviction, with which Guthrie spoke of winning the Headmistress' favour back. Imogen could see how the gallerist's persistent attentions, if welcome, would raise any woman's spirits.

"Well, until the men are done with their patriarchal jewellery dance, shall we enjoy some peace?" the Headmistress grumbled good-naturedly.

Imogen took a spot on the sofa, and the two other women sat down in the armchairs facing her. Imogen was getting a certain interrogation vibe from this setup - and it turned out she wasn't wrong.

"So, what are your findings, Imogen?" the Headmistress asked greedily, leaning forward. Imogen tensed. "You can speak freely in front of Dr. Nenadovich," Mrs. Dyre rushed to reassure, misinterpreting Imogen's discomfort. "We'd talked before you and Tommy came, and–"

She glanced at the archeologist fondly, and Petra grinned.

"It turned out we had so much in common!" the archeologist exclaimed. "Among other things, we're both in anticipation to see your wonderful mind crack–"

"The burglaries!" the Headmistress exclaimed.

"The murders!" Petra finished at the same time - and the two of them stared at each other.

Imogen considered hiding under the sofa - or jumping out of the window.

"What murders?" Mrs. Dyre asked. "Imogen's working on solving the break-ins!"

"I'm sure it's much more important that two gruesome deaths are investigated first," Petra dismissed with a wave of her hand. "And how hard is it to find the burglars, especially for someone like Imogen? I bet she already knows who did it."

"Do you?" It was Mrs. Dyre's turn to peer at Imogen intensely.

"No!" Imogen cried out. "And I am not investigating anything! Neither murders, nor burglaries!"

"But you had all those ideas regarding Carolina's botched up alibis!" Petra looked taken aback.

"And you've gotten the list of the valuables stolen from Guthrie's cottage!" the Headmistress chimed in.

"And you thought her visit was suspicious!" Petra continued.

"And didn't you have a meeting with Dr. Holyoake in the pub regarding the investigation?" the Headmistress pointed out. "Guthrie mentioned you'd been seen together quite a lot, as well as at her sister-in-law's cottage, which had been burgled!"

"I didn't!" Imogen was ready to start pulling at her hair, but for once it had been styled somewhat successfully, so she just anxiously clenched and unclenched her fists. "I didn't even open Guthrie's email! And I didn't go to Fiona to look at the markings on the wall! She's a fellow artist - and family, as it turns out! And I refused to go to the mountaineering club with Viola! Because I promised John I wouldn't! And it's killing me!" she shrieked. "But I'd rather have every single cottage in Fleckney scaled, broken in, and burgled than to break my promise to him!"

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