Chapter Four

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"Where's you get the name 'Ara', anyway?" Turk asked in her usual loud manner after Kechak had left.

"I think it's a very pretty name," Kala commented with a soft smile before going to see some of the other older females of the colony.

"I mean, it's pretty," Turk mumbled, "just... weird." Tarzan smiled at his friend, then looked to the little girl who was looking up to him with bright eyes.

"Tarzan," she said happily as he ran fingers through her bright hair.

"Is that all she knows how to say?" Turk questioned before lifting up a lock of Ara's fiery hair between her thick fingers, "And what is with this stuff? I looks like there's a huge flower on her head."

"She will learn to talk eventually," Tarzan informed Turk before grabbing Ara and swinging her onto his back, "Now, come on. I need to get her some food and then, maybe I can try to help her walk a little." Turk groaned, but followed Tarzan as he plodded off into the underbrush towards a clearing some of the younger members of the colony had scurried off to.

"She's just like a baby," Turk mumbled. Tarzan chuckled.

"She is a baby, Turk," he told her, "Remember when I was her size? I had only seen about four rain seasons. She can't be all that old." Tarzan stopped as they had reached a clear spot, big enough for Ara to practice moving around and with some fruit hanging high in the branches. Tarzan sat Ara down. "Watch her," Tarzan told Turk as he jumped up into the tree and began to climb.

"Not like she does anything," Turk muttered, sitting down beside Ara, who smiled widely at Turk before pointing up in the tree to where Tarzan was.

"Tarzan... Tarzan..." Ara said, though Turk could tell she wanted to say more.

"Yeah, Tarzan is climbing," Turk told Ara, imitating her hands to climb an invisible tree.

"Tarzan climbing!" Ara exclaimed happily. Turk rolled her eyes, but smiled. She had to admit, she was cute with her oddly colored hair and small stature.

"That's right, Ara," Turk told her, ruffling her hair. Ara laughed, then looked up to watch Tarzan grab three pieces of fruit from the tree. He then proceeded to climb down said tree and passed a round, green fruit to Ara. Turk grabbed her own fruit from the Tarzan, leaning against the tree as she watched the lesson about food to Ara.

"Ara," Tarzan said first to gain the girl's attention from the bright green fruit. She looked up immediately and tilted her head in questioning. "Food," Tarzan told her, lifting his own green fruit. Ara repeated. Tarzan took a bite of the sweet green fruit, and Ara- of course- followed his example.

"Mmmmm," Ara hummed contently, "food." She understood, which was a good thing. And so the three ate their meal, Turk amused by Ara who seemed over joyous at having learned a few new words.

"Alright," Tarzan said, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he finished the fruit, "Now, let's see if we can get Ara to walk just a bit."

The attempts failed utterly. Ara just wasn't strong enough to balance just on her arms and her leg was completely useless.

"Walk, Ara," Tarzan instructed, standing just a little way away from where Ara was struggling to stay on her knuckles and one good foot.

"Aw, come on, buddy," Turk sighed, frowning as she watched the little thing fall flat on her face for the sixth time and then try to push herself up. Again. "She just can't do it."

"I know," Tarzan mumbled, going to Ara and lifting her back up before swinging her on his back, "I guess I'm just going to have to keep on the ground instead of in the vines."

"Tarzan that's it!" Turk exclaimed, snapping her fingers, "The vines! She can use her arms and not have to bother with her legs!"

"Maybe," Tarzan said hesitantly, looking over his shoulder at Ara who looked half asleep, "but not today. She's tired and the sky is getting dark.. We need to get back to the colony."

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