Jungle Child

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A/N: Okay so this is my first story here so yay! If you did not notice, this is a Tarzan fan fiction, based of the Disney version. So in the movie, I am guessing he is around twenty/ twenty two. In this, he's more of a teenager, maybe sixteen or so. I hope you like it cuz Tarzan is amazing. Oh and disclaimer! I own none of this story except for my character Lily. And her brother I suppose but I doubt he will be a big part in this. Enjoy :3

"Please, no," the boy shouted as he was restricted by a rope tying him to a long pole that held one of the ships many masts, "She's only five years old! She won't survive! Please, just let her stay aboard!" The young captain shook his head as two members of his crew took a crying child to one of the small boats tied to the side of the great ship.

"You should've thought of that before you came aboard my ship, boy," he said gruffly, "You're going to the highest bidder at the first port we reach, but she is no use to me. She is too young and already with a lame leg. No one would take her and I certainly won't be keeping the burden."

"Zachariah!" the little girl screamed, wriggling in one of the man's grips.

"Please," the boy, Zachariah, shouted louder, but the captain just gave a flick of his wrist and the smaller boat fell down into the water. All Zachariah could do was watch as the men took his little sister towards an obviously uninhabited island. "Lily!" he shouted to the little red head as the boat she was in fought wave to reach the sand, "I'll come back for you! I promise Lily!"

"Don't lie to the child, boy," the captain told Zachariah, "I'm betting she'll be dead by next sunrise." Zachariah closed his eyes, fighting tears that were building for his sister, for he was silently agreeing with the captain as the two crew members through Lily on the sand and started their way back.

Lily screamed and screamed as she watched that little boat retreating towards the ship, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

"Zachariah!" she shouted once more one of the only words she knew. She had never really learned to speak, though she could understand people. After her parents had died when she was only a year old, Zachariah had no time to teach her to talk. He had to work so he could keep the both of them fed. They had tried stealing once, but that had resulted in Lily's broken leg and it had never healed right...

Lily saw the small boat being tugged back in place on the ship, and then the vessel's anchor lifted. It started away. Lily could hear her brother just faintly, calling out to her. Tears still streamed down the little girl's face, but she didn't shout back. Her throat had gone raw from yelling so much and she had no water with her to make the sting go away. She just sat down there in the sand and watched the ship slowly drift away from her as the night began to fall upon her.

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