37 ; "for you..."

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tempted ; jeon jeongguk 

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tempted ; jeon jeongguk 

the night arrived with the dark sky and that pretty moon with thousand of stars around it. but one that typical special star of her own world sneakingly was trying to get out of the hotel building. 

remembering, how you waited for jugnkook to sleep and waiting for yuno to message you that he is now at the hotel car parking area with a cake waiting for you to come and celebrate the birthday of his now when the clock hitted 12. 

and how you successfully in your eyes left the room, not knowing how your each footstep woke jungkook up easily because of his deep mafia sense and once you left the room after closing the door. he was quick to get up and sat on the bed before sighing out loud. 

questioning whether it was your true self or were you a patient of a mental hospital. but all of his assume came as wrong and unanswerable until he stood up to put in the sneakers hotels always gave to wear in the room. 

ruffling his messy hair before walking towards the door and opening it before making some promises to himself that he isn't gonna let you live once you will get back in the room. 

but all the things came as mess. 

facing yuno who had the cake in his hand as he was sitting on the other direction of bench. facing you with a smile on his face. looking around as you were in the same park when you and jungkook had an argument and you came here. 

seeing yuno here was also a first time. 

"so, you came" he said with the widest smile on his face as you smiled back happily, "so let's cut the cake?" you said as yuno nodded with a smile. "okay, let me blow the candles" he said as you nodded. 

ready to sing the birthday song for him as he blowed the candles, getting the cake knife to cut the cake as you happily sing that for him, while he smiled. it seemed like the happiest moment for him. 

if someone could see his smile, then they will be quick to assume that the guy was in euphoria. he took the small bite of cake before mentioning towards you, "here, taste it" you did as the butterscotch cake melted in your mouth making you smile. 

"so how old are you now?" you questioned as he putted the knife, after took a bite of the cake. he looked at you and answered, "23 now" your mouth formed an 'o' as you mumbled out a 'cool' which made him giggle. 

you bit your lip before saying, "so im sorry i couldn't get you a gift yuno...instead of that, ask me for anything" yuno just smiled nodding. thinking in his mind, as he turned to look and his eyes met yours. "you and jungkook.....are into forced marriage right?" you chuckled, "is that a question?" "just answer y/n..." 

you shook your head, "no, i married jungkook by my own will...but just situation were tensed at that time, and i don't think jungkook is that bad to call this marriage a force one" you answered as yuno hummed. "but i don't think you deserve him y/n..." 

and this sentence was quick for you to turn your whole attention to him , "what do you mean yuno?" he smiled before saying, "i said jungkook doesn't deserve you...neither your beauty or your thoughts"  

that was ll going above your head. "what are you trying to say?" 

"all i'm trying to say is that you.....you can be my gift" he said before tuning his eyes once again to meet yours which you chuckled at, "you are joking right?" 

yuno shook his head with the truth, "ain't joking....you can...leave jungkook and come to me" you chuckled widely before saying, "please say that this statement is a joke okay? and please don't forget that before meeting you, i was arranged as his wife" 

yuno shook his head, "not gonna joke y/n you don't even know that your husband is a mafia. a drug dealer or a criminal don't you know it?" there was no answer to these question but for sure there was question and that was, 

"how you know all this things? we never told you anything" 

a chuckle left yuno mouth as he stood up . okay maybe that was the most confusing and dangerous thing to hear until there was two shadow who entered  in the park. 

and not only your mind stopped working but maybe your body too. you froze right at the place as yuno bended on his knees. taking your hand before saying, "you can be happy with me too and accept me....as my family isn't different from jungkook's family right?" 

and maybe that was the last words of his to you before a mere bigger hand than his took the hold of your one before pulling you up from the bench to close to his chest. and once your senses found that familiar scent of the male, your hand molded across his chest before you let yourself fall in his embrace. 

closing your eyes as the male hand came in the movement with your head as his fingers brushed the hairs of your scalp. while his eyes kept the long hatred gaze to the three boys in front of his which he once misunderstood as someone who can actually will for someone's good. 

"go into the car..." he mumbled with with pink soft lips which you obeyed immediately. as you took your arms away from his body and move your feets to go out of the park entrance and towards the car which he rented in the paris. 

not looking back as your vision blurred with tears on cursing yourself from trusting everyone and always getting into a dangerous aim was finally hurting. and there was noway, you could get okay now. 

while on the other hand, jungkook rolled the sleeves of his pale blue lose shirt, as his eyes kept their fixed gaze on yuno as his lips left the words, "always got the senses that you were basically a backstabber, but i never thought y/n would be this innocent to trust your ugly deed" 

"oh come on jungkook, you are a mafia, you never get to know who i was, are you sure you are fit as a mafia thr-" before he could complete his sentence, jungkook let out a chuckle, "yeah, i was fool enough to trust a mafia's son on guiding us through the paris, thinking may or may not you can be innocent but guess what. innocent word never came in your DNA" 

with that, jungkook hand reached to take him by collar as the anger emotion rushed in his whole body. he felt the same beast turned in his body. as he dragged the male on the ground with a fist across his nose and made sure he won't get up soon until jungkook finishes with his two pups scattered around him.

his fist clutter with the first guy as he broke the vision of the man, smelling the same scent of fear again. and that was the pure form of answer for him to ruin them completely,. 

putting a temporary hole in the male stomach with his fist as the male spilled the blood out of his mouth, the other running to take jungkook in his crib from behind  making jungkook throw his head back with the force so it will straight land on the male nose. 

and that came true. the male behind him pulled away as his hand moved to his nose which was now bleeding, and no sign of that small bone which was once felt. it was scary for the man behind him. 

seeing jungkook putting fist on fist on the other guy got him shook before hr an towards the exit after pulling yuno up from the ground. and before yuno could take another step to run, jungkook hand once again collided with his collar as he pulled him back. 

leaving the other one who got time to  run after he got all the blood on his face, and his face swelled up. he used the heel of his palm putting straight with the speed on the yuno nose as once again the guy groaned. 

"congrats, finally feeling the consequence of using my wife innocence to your own benefit huh" with that he clashed a fist in his stomach. oh how dangerous he was to gave wounds but didn't got them from the guy in front of him. how the front man was stained with blood in front of him but he didn't had many single spot of his own blood on his shirt and wherever he head a blood patch on his shirt, he was sure that the blood there wasn't his. 

he didn't felt pain, not in this fight, 

when he knew he was fighting for you this time. 

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