0001- Tik Tok

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A/N: I apologize if my use of "Tik Tok" instead of "Tiktok" bothers you. I might eventually change it. Also, video above is for if you need a visual of the dance.

(3rd P.O.V.)

"Mom!" Lyrica hears Isaac's yell echo through the house.

"Isaac, you're literally a room away. The yelling is not necessary. What do you need?" Lyrica rolls her eyes, walking from the kitchen to the living room where her oldest son is sitting on the couch, excitedly holding his phone.

"Sorry, force of habit. But look, you've got to try this new app I found." Isaac grins, practically bouncing in his seat.

"I'm not gonna lie, your excitement scares me. What is it?"

"It's called Tik Tok." Isaac motions for his mother to sit beside him and she does, looking down at his phone screen. "It's this platform where people can post up to 1 minute videos of pretty much anything."

"So like Musical.ly?"

"What the hell is that?" Isaac makes a weird face.

"It was this platform where you could make videos to songs and dance or lip sync." Lyrica explains with a small chuckle.

"I have never heard of that before, but whatever it is, Tik Tok is much better. Here, look."

Isaac pulls up a video of a girl doing a dance to a song, and Lyrica chuckles.

"That's a cute dance and all, but I don't see how the app is that appealing." She says.

"That's where the best part comes in." Isaac jumps in his seat, grin somehow widening. "You can duet it on your own or with a friend and you can do the dance too. You can make videos dancing and stuff and if you can get popular, you can earn money for just dancing!"

"Icy, if you're asking if you can do Tik Toks, I don't care." Lyrica laughs, standing up. "But I've got about 50 tests waiting to be graded on the counter and I should really get to it."

"No, Mom, wait!" Isaac calls, jumping to his feet. The raven-haired woman raises an eyebrow in question. "Will you do Tik Toks with me? We can make our own account and everything! We can become internet famous! Please?!"

"Icy, I've got a full time job and a full two packs to take care of. You know I don't have time for some silly app." Lyrica sighs, trying to let her son down easy.

"Please? At least one video? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Oh my gosh." Lyrica groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fine. I'll do one video. But that's it."

"Yes! Thank you!" Isaac cheers, lifting his phone up and scrolling through videos.

"What are you doing now?" Lyrica arches a brow and places a hand on her hip.

"I'm finding the dance we're gonna do. I have the perfect one in mind."

"Is there at least a name to it?"

"Technically. It's called the Cannibal dance." Isaac shrugs, finally finding the video. "Here."

Lyrica takes the outstretched phone, chuckling at the absurd dance. Once the video ends, she hands the device back to Isaac.

"You really expect me to do that?" She asks.

"It's the number one trending song on Tik Tok right now!" Isaac defends himself. "We're doing it."

"Okay, okay." Lyrica laughs. "Teach away."


"What in the world are you two doing?"

Lyrica and Isaac both jump at the sound of Derek's voice, the female turning to face her husband with a sheepish grin while Isaac rushes to pause the recording on his phone.

"Isaac begged me to make a Tik Tok with him." Lyrica shrugs. "So we were doing a dance."

"Until you interrupted, that is!" Isaac sighs. "Now we have to start all over again!"

"Yup, I'm not gonna ask. I'll be in my office." Derek nods, turning on his heel and exiting the room.

"Love ya, Dad!" Isaac calls while Lyrica laughs.

"Come on, let's try again." Lyrica gestures for Isaac to set the phone down once more.

"Okay!" Isaac does as said, starting the countdown and rushing to his place next to his mother before the music starts.

I'll eat you up...


"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Isaac shouts, kicking open the door to his parent's room.

"Jesus christ, Icy." Lyrica groans, opening her eyes long enough to look at her son before closing them again and dropping her head back on her pillow.

"Isaac, it's 4a.m., what are you doing?" Derek groans as well, slinging an arm around Lyrica's waist and pressing his face into the back of her shoulder.

"Okay, so, I woke up to pee and after I did, I just so happened to check my phone and I had like a gazillion notifications from Tik Tok." Isaac bounces up and down.

"'Gazillion' isn't a word, Isaac." Derek says, voice muffled in Lyrica's shoulder.

"I don't care, Dad." Isaac brushes off the comment. "But you've got to see this. Mom, our video went viral! We've already got 900 thousand likes!"

"Holy shit." Lyrica mutters, eyebrows raising but eyes staying firmly closed. "That's crazy. Now go back to bed."

"But Mom!" Isaac whines, and at that time, a very tired Liam shuffled into the room.

"What's going on?" He mutters. "It's 4 in the morning. Is someone dead?"

"Liam!" Isaac shouts, grabbing his brother by the shoulders and shaking him, surprising the younger boy. "Mom and I are Tik Tok famous!"

"What?!" Liam shouts. "No freaking way! Show me!"

Isaac lifts up his phone, showing his younger brother the video with almost a million views, and then their subscriber count, which is just under 500 thousand.

"Holy shit!" Liam shouts once more, and his parents groan in annoyance. "Wait, why is your undername 'TheHalePack'? I thought it was 'Icecube94'?" (Side note, there's an author on Wattpad, I believe, with the username "TheHalePack" and I just wanted to say, I'm not stealing, I just think this is 1000% something Isaac would do.)

"My personal account's username is, but I made a new account because I wanted to get all of us making videos together as a family!"

"And now that you and Mom went viral, we can! Great thinking, Isaac!" Both boys high-five and Derek rolls his eyes.

"Boys, go back to bed. We can talk more about this in the morning." The alpha calls, annoyance filling his tired voice.

"Right. Okay. Love you Mom, love you, Dad!" Isaac calls, dragging his brother out of the room with barely enough time for the younger to call the same words.

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