Teenage Years

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During my Pre-teen and Teenage Years I went to Two Middle Schools Scott Johnson Middle School for my First Year of Middle School and Dowell Middle School for my Final Two Years of Middle School.

Scott Johnson Middle School is where I spent 6th Grade at the School. I was excited to start my First Year of Middle School because it was a New Experience as a Pre-Teen. Middle School and Puberty was all new to me in the my First Year of Middle School. I don't remember the times during my Middle School Years except my Puberty. 

When I was 13 Years old, My Parents called me downstairs to talk about Puberty and what is changing my Body and Personality and they I ask them questions about Adult Things. I felt my Body and Voice were changing during my Middle School Years including growing Chest Hair during High School and Changes of my Voice and Private Parts. My Parents allowed me to watch South Park, Family Guy and some R-Rated Movies and TV Shows to learn about Adult Things. I graduated Middle School on June 2010. 

I Started High School by going to McKinney Boyd High School in August 2010. My High School Years has Both Good and Bad Memories in my Life. They were a lot of Great Student and Friends at my High School. The Pep Rallies were Great and Fun. 

This is where my Mental Health and Trauma begins.

Both of my Parents have Uneven Parenting. My Mother was the Emotional Manipulative Parent who has babied me through teenage and adulthood. My Mother was a Behavior Analyst because she knows my emotions and thinks she knows what's best for me. My Mother has a Terrible Knowledge of Psychology. My Mother takes me to Different Doctors and Psychiatrists for my Behavior, Mental Health and gives me Medicine that I do need and don't need like Antidepressants as a Teenager and Adult and ADHD for School to focus on my schooling. My Mother makes the Most Poor Parenting Decision and Choices. My Father was the Strict Parent because he is a Military Father and knows what's best when learning to become a Adult and a Man. 

I had a Child Neurologist for my Antidepressants from Elementary to High School and a Psychologist for Two Years from June 2013 to December 2014. 

My Mother sent me to a Private School for Three Days while I was studying for STARR Testing  Week which is a Very Important Annual Testing during the Fourth Semester of the School Year. Every student in Texas must take the STARR Test in order to get the Student Achievements in order to Achieve the Best Grades and Future for Students like Careers and the Best Schools. It was my Mother's Fault for One of her Poor Parenting Choices.

I Worked as a Payed Intern at the City Hall of Plano for 2 Summers from Summer 2013 and 2014 

My Last Three Years were not as Traumatic as my Freshman Year. My Sophomore, Junior and Senior Years were Great for my High School Years like going to Prom and going to High School Activities and Events.  My Mother was very sensitive over my Grades. I try and work hard to get Good Grades throughout my High School Years. My Mother yells at me for no reason over my Grades, Projects, Works and Tests that I turned in for Teachers as they are trying grade students works as they can. I got Mostly 70s, 80s and 90s for all of my Classes during my High School Years. I graduated from McKinney Boyd High School on June 6, 2014

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