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Adulthood is where my Traumatic Life Begins.

My Mom and Dad met each other in the 80s. I did not know the Red Flags of my Family until recently and remembered. I had a Amazing Childhood but everything went from good in my life to a Traumatic Life in my Adulthood. My Last 7 Years during my Adulthood has filled me up with scars and cuts inside my body from the Trauma I faced in my Life. My Mental Health became worse for the last few years since 2018. Here is my Story of living with my Trauma through Adulthood

After I graduated from McKinney Boyd High School in 2014. I went to a Community College called Grayson Community College in Sherman, TX for 4 Months from August to the Beginning of December 2014. I didn't do well in College and I realized I wasn't ready for College. I failed my Classes and became a College Dropout. I developed Mental Health Problems during my time in College. I got my First Tattoo at a Tattoo Shop in Sherman on November 2014 before I dropped out of College. The Stitch Tattoo on my right arm was meant to cover my mental and emotional scars inside my body for my Trauma. The Stitch Tattoo means I have a Amazing Childhood and Stitch is One of my Favorite Childhood, Disney Characters and One of my Favorite Movies of All Time. After High School and College. My Dream is be part of the Entertainment Industry in the Future. I tried and planning to find a way to be in the Entertainment Industry for 7 years. I been stuck through different jobs in McKinney and Plano TX.

I couldn't find a job for 6 months after being a college dropout. I worked at a Furniture Department Store At Home for One Year from June 2015 to August 2016. I both quit and fired from At Home store. It wasn't a Good Job because of Terrible Payment and Hours.

I had Two Surgeries in One Day on August 2015. I had a Tonsillectomy and a Nasal Expansion for my Breathing when I'm sleeping.

I had a Male Psychologist from April to August 2016 to Discuss my Problems.

Ever since I have Depression, Trauma and Mental Health Problems. Every time my Parents give gifts on my Birthdays and Every Christmas. They give gifts try to make me happy and trying to forgive me what they done to me. When I see when my Parents give me gifts. I pretend to smile outside but I'm Sad and Depressed on the Inside because what they have done to me that I think that is Unforgivable.

Summer 2016 was the Worst Summer I ever had. They took away my Phone and Electronics to get a Better Job from July to August 2016. During my Vacation in Pittsburg and Buffalo with no Phone. Like I said, Both of my Parents have Uneven Parenting.

I worked at Papa Johns for 4 Years and a Half as a Delivery Driver from August 2016 to February 2021. The Job has very good for me better payment and Hours which made from $500 to $700 from Tips and Hours I worked. Left Papa Johns because of Insurance. Papa Johns was the Best Job than any other job I ever had because of better payment and hours.

I got another Tattoo on my 21st Birthday. I got the Eduardo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends on My Left Arm to cover my mental and emotional scars inside my body from my Trauma I been facing for Years. The Eduardo Tattoo means Depression, Trauma and Mental Health. Tattoos are like Covering your Scars and Trauma from your Life.

2018 is where all the Trauma happened and my family fallen apart.

March 2018. I was watching the Oscars 2018. My Mom went into her room where my dad was trying to go to bed for work. My Mom starts falsely accusing my Dad for cheating and a affair which never happened. I believed my father because he told me the truth that it never happened and never cheated on mom. I heard them arguing and my father said I have no idea what you are talking? I would never cheat on you. Those are the only words I remembered from the argument. I thought everything would go back to normal after my sister returned from Purdue for a week for Spring Break. I thought my Mom would forgive my Father for false accusations towards my father. It didn't happened. Mom kept on making false accusations to my father that has been going on until April 2018. She never believed my father's truth and kept ignoring his truth. Mom kicked my father out of the house and my father lived with his work friend for Four Months. My Mom kept spreading the lies and false accusations of my father to her friends and family which my father has never done in his life and told the truth. I thought my sister coming from Purdue would make everything better but it never did. Mom was telling the False Accusations about Dad and she never believed moms accusations. Me and my Sister see my Father at the Movies, going to stores and restaurants.

My Mom became Mentally ill and a Alcoholic. She drank mostly. Me and my sister keep asking her to eat food and drink water, soda and juices but she kept on drinking. She placed me in a toxic environment. My Mother's alcohol got worse years earlier. She was diagnosed with Wet Brain Syndrome. My mother was sent to rehab for 3 months from August 2018 to Thanksgiving 2018. I saw my Mother in a retirement home which I hope my mother got better after going to rehab. I saw my Mother from Thanksgiving 2018 to June 2019. One of the most embarrassing moments when my mother tried to see my father on my birthday because of legal issues. my sister and her friends tried to stage a intervention with my mother to go to rehab again but it did not work. I stopped seeing my mother on June 2019.

I developed Mental Sanity Problems in 2019. The things that make my Sanity feel better is going to places, going to the movies, buying things, video games and social media.

One of the Most Traumatic Moments when I saw my mother in a Hospital Bed. I was shocked and traumatized. My Mother died on November 26, 2019 on the week during Thanksgiving. I get traumatized about my Mother on her Birthday, Mother's Day and Thanksgiving.

It has been hard celebrating Mother's Day and my Mother's Birthday after my mom died. Every time on my Mom's birthday and Mother's Day I feel sad and regretful. If COVID happened early. My parents would still be together happy.

I been trying to move on from my Trauma for 7 Years. I been trying to mentally heal my Body and Mind for 7 Years. Everything from my family and other people criticized me for not telling my side of the story about my life for years. I'm done being silent in my Life. This is my Life Story.

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