3 | First Flames

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| First Flames  

    Her hands are glowing. Actually glowing.  

    For some reason the first word, ember ignites itself into her thought. Her hands and what of her wrists she could see remind her of burning embers, red-hot, and radiating warmth. But what can she do with these hands?  

    The answer came for her instinctually, just like breathing, as she began to hold out her hands spread wide. Concentrating, Emberly felt a strange build-up within her hands, as if something is collecting, becoming stronger by the moment. She sees that her hands are becoming brighter, beginning to become washed out by the brilliant display of golden, crimson light. Her eyes widen as she thinks NOW!  

    In that moment, there is a sudden blast of firelight bursting from her hands in an incinerating projection. Breathless, Emberly watches as the blazing beam dissipates into the whiteness. Feeling abruptly weak, her knees buckle and she hits the ground.  

    Baffled Emberly reels from the astonishment as she sits, her lips shuddering. I just did that…I just shot fire from my hands…I can’t believe this…This is unreal.  

    Get a grip!  

    Okay, so I can create fire beams from my hands…Alright that’s one ability. That’s perfectly sane…Of course…But didn’t that Voice…Didn’t he say abilities? In the plural sense? So that means more than one.   What else can I do?...Fly?  

    Emberly snorts at the idea. But still, it is a thought. Sighing, she closes her eyes again, focusing on the words and images to come to mind. There has to be something else…Just something…  

    Stunned, Emberly’s eyes flicker open as the word nearly rolls off her tongue. Phase.   She nods, understanding what she must do, and Emberly takes in a deep breath. To test the ability first, she slowly approaches the white-gleaming wall. Cautiously, she outstretches a hand and thrusts it forward in one quick, fluid motion. Incredibly, her entire hand sinks into the solid material. Curious, she pulls out her hand to observe it unscathed, just as before. So she does it again.  

    “Interesting,” Emberly breathes. “I wonder…”  

    Should I do this? For a moment, the doubt weighs down, but she knows what must be done. What do I have to lose?...Here goes nothing.   Preparing herself, Emberly jolts herself into a sprint, feeling the power ripple through her body, and stretches forth her hands just as she reaches the bright wall.

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