37 | Phoenix from the Ashes

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37 | Phoenix from the Ashes

The rush the transporting gives comes natural, even this time the pulling, but too quickly it vanishes, and Emberly can feel a dusty wind bowing in her face, and she can taste sand. She opens her eyes, and takes in the vast scenery swallowing them all. Surrounding her, perfectly spaced are the other four surviving trainees—prisoners here, even that X, who’s staring at her with a violent anger, the veins in his forehead bulging. Even him—he too is a pawn of their sick supernatural sadism she has to remind herself. But surrounding them, the prisoners of this Experiment, is what takes her breath away.

Shadowed by the early crimson light of the sun is the white wrought stone of the Coliseum soaring into the air so high above them to a staggering height—but, Emberly is aware all of this could only be an illusion. She’s also thinking of what she can do in order for them escape, and not with just her life, but as many as she save too.

Sweat’s already beginning to pour along her blood stained and bruised face mired with grime; she clenches her fist still standing upon her dark Transport Circle, feeling her fingernails of all things encrusted with dirt, and dried blood. She feels stiff, and spent, overcome with everything. The heat already within this place is stifling; no wonder tampered with whoever’s controlling it all, watching them at this precise moment so very closely. Most likely from hidden cameras nearby. It's then she becomes aware of the rising din of—voices?

 As her eyes sweep the Coliseum she sees the circling stadium seats are filled with thousands and thousands of people: a multi-colored sea of those who have come to see them die their bloody deaths, and be entertained by it: not unlike the times of Ancient Greece. It is beyond her prowess to see the details of any of their faces as the distance is to great, but she can—all of them can as their eyes take in the monstrous crowd's undulating chanting, cheers, and cries aloud, waving of arms, and even some uncalled for boos.

Then she realizes the Voice is speaking to them in such a booming manner; the crowd's swelling ruckus is instantly quelled:

“When the signal sounds, you must step off, and begin to fight; if a stalemate is reached immediately, all of you will be disqualified. Good luck and all hail New America!”

Emberly sucks in air as the Voice silences, and she can hear her heart pounding relentlessly into her ears: thud, thud, thud. And she moves her tongue, feeling the aridness of her mouth, swallowing. Moments pass by like heavy boulders falling from great heights ready to suffocate and crush them all at any time; she instantly looks up, and through the arched breaks of the colonnades; she sees the sky lifting from its reddish clouded color to a brighter blue. Then her eyes take to Kel nearest her, and they share an uncertain stare before there’s a blasting blare of noise, originating from nowhere, and she can only figure that’s the signal!

What are we supposed to do? Emberly swears in her head, and takes a step off the Transport Circle, and she sees Thirteen dashing toward them with weighty steps, his muscles rippling with his sheer movement. X is already lifting an arm wielding his double-edged scythe preparing to toss it with a mighty throw, as Emberly is attempting to figure out what exactly to do. But they’re all suddenly overthrown by a shockwave ripping through the dirt, upturning the sandy ground in sharp cliffs; X loses his balance and tumbles, as does Emberly, who looks fearful in the opposite direction seeing that Zaden is only picking himself up from the ground, having delivered that blow with both of his clenched fists. Well, that makes sense, she thinks. Blinking, and picking herself from the earth, she thinks that this is her chance!

Emberly looks for Kel, and when she sees him running beside of her, she grabs him. “Kel!” she says sternly, “take the others and protect them! Now! I’ll handle X.”

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