001. payback is a bitch

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payback is a bitch / chapter one

"that dress slipped on and off pretty easily, remember princess?"

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"that dress slipped on and off pretty
easily, remember princess?"

ADELAIDE WALKED ALONGSIDE THE POGUES as they approached The Wreck, also known as their hangout spot since Kiara's parents owned it. They sat at their usual table and waited for their menu's. Adelaide and JJ sat together while John B and Pope sat across from them. Kiara wasn't with them since she usually had to work extra shifts thanks to her parents. Not that Adelaide cared much anyways, being that they always argued when they were together.

"So, you coming to the bonfire tonight?" asked JJ as he wrapped his arm around Adelaide's shoulders.

"Are you going?" Adelaide innocently asked.

"Hell yeah! Wouldn't miss it for the world." He confirmed, giving her a smirk.

"Then no." She said unamused, trying hard not to laugh whilst she removed his hand from her body.

"BUUURNN!" John B and Pope barked simultaneously, almost laughing like little girls.

The blonde boy shook his head and let out a sigh. "Well, I guess I'll have to ask Kie. At least she'll say yes."

Adelaide rolled her eyes and put her arm around JJ. "Oh come on blondie you know I lo-"


They all turned around to see an unamused Kiara standing with the menu's on her hands.

"Took you long enough." John B complained as he took one of the menu's from her hand.

"Shut up. I had like four other tables and I'm the only one working here right now." She complained in a weary tone.

"You look like hell. When was the last time you took a sho-" JJ blurted before being interrupted.

"Cut her some slack guys!" Pope shot back feeling sympathetic for her since his dad also made him do one too many shifts. "Come on Kie, sit with us." He offered, patting the seat next to him.

Adelaide quickly put both her hands up innocently. "Hey, I didn't say anything. It was all them." She pointed to John B and JJ, who both threw her a fake stunned look.

Kiara quickly changed the topic, not wanting to look the girl's way. "So, what were you guys talking about anyways?"

All of them blurted out different answers at once not knowing what to say. Anything was better than saying that JJ was flirting with Adelaide, once again. Kiara wasn't exactly a fan of that, and everyone knew why.

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