Chapter 34: Segregated

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The walls latched together and clicked into place behind us, leaving no trace of the elevator. A flutter of apprehension tightened my stomach. Rekkan's knuckles whitened over the stock of his rifle.

The Southie woman waddled toward us, the buttons of her shirt straining over a large bosom. "I'm Doctor Zhina. Ivogg, Mekkar, and I lead the crew here at the Refuge."

The tall, thin man on her right fluttered a few fingers and dipped his head. Unkempt wavy hair brushed the collar of his baggy orange dress shirt tucked into green slacks. Completing the bizarre attire, a pink apron covered in hearts tied around his waist. "And I'm Doctor Ivogg. I've heard so much about the two of you, and it's just terrific to finally meet you!" His nasal voice squeaked over the emphasized syllables. "And Zafaru, I'm delighted you are here to help with your mother's project."

My chest squeezed, forcing out an exhale. "My mother's project?"

"Well, the Refuge was designed by all Seven Sentries, of course, but your mother was the inspiration and the team lead." Ivogg adjusted his thick-rimmed spectacles, and the dangling ceiling lights flashed across the lenses. "I'm sure she told you all about us...?"

I swallowed. During our brief meetings, she had mostly spewed academic knowledge, writing a textbook out loud. Sometimes, she would pause to ask if I had any questions. I wanted to know why she left me—or at least hear about her favorite food—but she was too brilliant a mind to be pestered with such things. "Well, she actually, uh... didn't talk much about her projects around me."

"Ah," said Mekkar, smiling first at me and then at Rekkan. "That's how I was, too. Always tried not to discuss work at home! I bet Rekkan never even knew I was in the Seven Sentries."

"I didn't know," said Rekkan, sounding nonplussed by this revelation, "But that's probably because you sent me away when I was eleven."

"Whoa ho ho!" Ivogg patted his apron-clad things with each syllable. "We've all got our little childhood baggage, am I right? Why, I recall a time I wanted to go out for an ice cream, but my mother made me stay home instead. And then there's Mekkar, who I've heard was a weak little child, always bullied, poor thing. But look at us now! We all turned out great."

On the plus side, Ivogg succeeded in distracting Mekkar and Rekkan from their own argument. Less fortunately, both uncle and nephew now glared at him. Before the conversation could further deteriorate, I spoke up.

"I read about the Seven Sentries," I said. "The book said they were creating a refuge before the Implant Era."My eyes drifted back to the impossible natural haven through the archway. "Those tallest trees must be twenty years old. This place was created as a refuge... from the war?"

Zhina beamed at me. "You've got your mother's inquisitive mind, don't you? A refuge from the war, but also a dream for a better future. We thought if we could get a few hundred Northerners to live in peace with a few hundred Southies, they could carry that back to their communities, stop the hate, and end the violence."

"Then what happened? The experiment failed?"

Ivogg sighed. "Unfortunately, it never commenced. The air ducts required extensive work to prevent hypoxia or air poisoning from toxic waste with so many living underground." He poked a finger toward a round, silver air duct snaking across the ceiling. "A power failure could have caused dangerous levels of toxicity within an hour. And before we could ensure sufficient safety measures, the Implant started."

Zhina waved a hand and tsked. "Enough science talk. Now that you are here, I'm certain we can realize your mother's integration dreams." She extended her palm, and her smile crinkled her green eyes and revealed a wide gap between her front teeth. "Now then, I'll keep your weapons safe for you."

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