Chapter 48: Jekkana

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The eyebrow lifted higher. "You want to dance with me? Why?"

Fennikk's voice played in my ear. Did you try telling him one thing you like about him? I licked my lips and dropped my gaze, hoping the lack of visual stimulation would help me focus.

"Because I like..." Your face, your smile, your body, your voice, your humor, your protectiveness, your loyalty, your honesty... fuck, I even liked his confusion and hesitation. The way he deliberated and agonized over his decisions. The way he cared not because he felt he should but because he couldn't stop himself.

"You," I finished weakly. "I like you."

Rekkan drew a slow breath. Before he could respond, Mekkar stepped toward us and raised a palm. "Zafaru, you must know Rekkan doesn't like dancing."

"I know," I said, "But I wanted to ask because... well, if he won't dance with me, I might have to dance with someone else."

Mekkar clucked his tongue. "Zafaru, that's not really a fair —"

"I'll dance," said Rekkan.

I couldn't stop myself from grinning. "Really? You want to dance with me?"

His eyes fell to my lips, and his eyebrows twitched together and chest deflated. Voice hoarse and breathless, he said, "Yep."

Rekkan handed his guitar to a still-surprised Mekkar and led me toward the dance floor. His free hand grazed down my side and settled on my hip cautiously — hesitantly.

For an entire song, I maintained a similar posture, barely touching his shoulder and flashing shy smiles before averting my gaze. Rather than embolden me, the alcohol only changed my focus. When my eyes caught on Mekkar helping himself to his second drink, and a needling voice prodded the back of my mind: Now's your chance! Find out what he knows! But my eyes returned to Rekkan, and my heart beat out his name, and my lungs contracted with the effort of restraint.

Still trembling on the edge of control, I kneaded his shoulder and slipped my hand down to lay flat against his chest.

His feet stopped moving, and his eyes burned into mine.

The song ended, and the next failed to start. In the awkward silence, everyone left the dance floor to hit up the drink table or scope out a new partner. Rekkan and I stood alone, both unable to speak and unable to look away—basking in each other's presence but unprepared to address the lingering confusion. Beneath my palm, his chest burned hot, rising and falling with uneven breaths. His rapid heartbeats matched my own.

Mekkar broke the silence, three drinks carefully balanced between his hands. "Hello there, favorite people! Let's share a toast!" Trapping his own drink between his teeth, he extended a cup toward each of us.

I eyed it with an apologetic smile. "Thanks, Mekkar, but I think I've had enough."

Mekkar's breath rippled his lips. "Tonight is a time to let go, not the time to stop at 'enough.' Don't you agree?"

Rekkan glared at Mekkar.

I accepted the drink.

"Alright," I said, raising the glass for a toast. "Here's to a little more than enough!"

Mekkar beamed. "To more than enough! That's the best toast I've ever heard!"

The next song finally started, the perfect more-than-enough theme-song of blaring optimism, and bodies flooded the dance floor once more. Mekkar and I clinked our plastic cups with a muted chick and then tapped the cups against Rekkan's stationary one. He stared down both of us, drilling Mekkar with animosity and me with... worry?

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