chapter six | eve

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"Ok remember Eve if you see Gray making out with random girls don't think too much of it ok." Makensie says patting my shoulder.

I roll my eyes at her "y'all are making it seem I will start crying when I see him with another girl, plus we were just best friends never more than that." I assure them.

"Mhm yeah right, I'll believe that when pigs fly." Diana says getting out of the car, me and Kensie following her actions.

We start walking to the door and there are already people throwing up all over the place.

We open the door and the music is on full volume, the song that's playing sure is my jam. Makensie turns to face us "alright girls make sure to have y'all's phone with you an all time in case we get separated ok?"

"Yes ma'am" I salute like a soldier "now let's try and find the guys." She says grabbing both of our arms and taking us to the kitchen.

Once we get there I am literally attacked by my favorite monkey "MARCUS MY MONKEY IVE MISSED YOU" I exclaimed "No way! I've missed you more changa (monkey)!" He said lifting me and spinning us around.

"Hey little Eve" Carter said bringing me into a hug I let out a chuckle "Hey boogie board." "No don't bring that nickname back." He whined "sorry no can do" I say putting a hand out for no more discussion making all of us laugh.

I turn to the last guy and he stretches his hand out to do that boy handshake thingy "hi I'm Chris, I've heard a lot about you." He says giving me a charming smile "well I'm Eve, and I hope it's been all good things." I says "Ehh we'll let you think that." He said winking at me I just laugh and shake my head."

"Yay the whole gang is back together!" Makensie exclaims. "Actually bipolar Gray isn't here yet." Diana says checking her nails. "Talking about him he just texted me, he's on his way." Marcus says checking his phone.

"While we wait y'all want anything to drink." Carter asks wrapping his arms around Makensie waist form behind, and putting his chin on her shoulder.

"Hell yeah!" Makensie and Diana exclaim "well let's go get one!" Chris hollers.

They all get a beer and I go for a Dr Pepper. I never liked drinking, the taste is disgusting plus the few times I did drink, didn't turn out good.

"Still a goody too shoes i see." Marcus says clinging his beer with my Dr Pepper." "Hmm I'll just let y'all believe that." I say winking at him. He just lets out a chuckle while taking a sip from his beer.

"Alright bestie let's go dance!" Diana says grabbing my arm and pulling me to the living room where everyone is either chatting or dancing.

The song "ritmo" by J balvin and crowd starts cheering as everyone starts dancing again.

We both start laughing as we sway our hips to the music. Let me tell y'all a pro about having a Mexican mom means knowing how to dance so my latina moves are about to give everyone a SHOW!

"This is the rhythm of the night!" Diana and me yell. I lift my arms up in the air and grab Diana's arm as she spins around!

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"Ahh I've missed my dance partner" Diana says as she hugs me "me to girl me to!" I say as we walk out of the dance floor to find something to drink.

I am not kidding we have been dancing for around two hours. The songs they play here are way better than the ones in London. I check my phone to see the time and it's it's currently 11:30pm.

We head back to the kitchen and grab some water bottles as well as trying to find any of our friends "Can you see any of them?" I say as I look around "nope, ugh I need to pee" Diana whines  " ok come one let's go find a restroom upstairs then we'll look for them." She nods in agreements

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