chapter eight | grayson

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   At this point I have no idea how many shots or drinks I've had, I just know I've had a lot!

I decide to go to the bathroom so I can cool down my face since it's so hot in here. 

So far I haven't thought about Everest.
Oh shit I'm thinking of her right now aren't I? I let out a frustrated groan as I walk to the bathroom when someone bumps into me. I look down and I freeze.

"Grayson" "Everest" we say at the same time in a surprised tone.

God damn it! she looks so good I can't help it. Next thing I know my arms go down to her waist and I pull her into a hug.

I'm guessing she didn't expect this because she's frozen in place not hugging me back. I mean I didn't expect this either I'm drunk and I have no idea what I'm doing. "You're supposed to hug me back." I let out. She takes a deep breath in and hugs me back.

I literally melt into her. She smells so good. "God I've missed you so so much Everest." I say burying my head into the crook of her neck. "Me to Grayson me too, but you're drunk and- and you have no idea what you're doing." I let out a scoff.  "I may be drunk but I will remember everything tomorrow and that's true I don't know what I'm doing but please just stay quiet." I say.

She lets out a sigh and starts playing with my hair "I'm sorry Grayson I-" "we'll talk tomorrow Everest I promise." I cut her off as I  pull away from the hug.

"Let's go home okay?" She nods towards the living room. I just nod and follow her. I look down at her hand.

do it bet you won't, no balls.

I take a deep breath and interwine our hands together she lets out a small gasp and looks down. I keep on looking straight and now it's me whose doing the leading.

Once we find Carter he turns around and says "Woah, already besties again." Wiggling his eyebrows "No, your best friend is drunk and needs to go home." Everest says.

"Look at the butterfly." I say pointing at something flying, I let out a frown "oh it's a moth, moths are ugly" I turn to Everest " You remind me of a butterfly because they're beautiful just like you and-" "ok buddy let's get you home." Carter says cutting me off.

Everest let's go of my hand and now i feel likes it's cold once again. "I'll go find the girls, I'll meet you outside" she says looking at Carter "Alright sounds good."

No need to worry about Chris or Marcus. Chris literally lives right in front of Tony so they just need to walk twenty steps to be home.

We start walking outside and I grab my head applying pressure to it. "Fucking shit." I groan out. Carter sighs beside me "I told you to drink but not this much. Plus you're no lightweight so you're saying a lot of things I don't think you would want to be saying man, so how much did you drink?" He says as we both get in the car. "I don't know man I don't know." I say back

Not even a minute later we see the three girls coming out. We both open our doors. "I'll go help, you stay here." Carter says.

I watch as they start walking to a car. I call out Everest and she starts walking my direction. "Put your seatbelt on dummy." She says "nah you put it on." I say smirking at her. She rolls her eyes at me but still does it anyways.

As she lean forward to buckle it in the scent of a sweet but tasty smell invades all of me. "You even smell good." I blurt out. She just starts laughing at me.

A laugh I wouldn't mind hearing all the time.

"I'll see you tomorrow Grayson." She says. As she is about to close the door I stop it from closing "come to my room tonight. Please" I practically beg.  You can think she's thinking about it. I mean why the hell would I say that.

"I'll think about it okay." She says giving me a small smile. I just nod and with that she closes the door.

                                      ♡ ♡ ♡ 

We arrive at my house like in ten minutes as we start heading inside we hear Diana yell Carter's name  "your girlfriend is crying again come help us!" She whines. Carter let's out a chuckle "I'll meet you inside" "alright sounds good" I say as I start walking inside.

As soon as I get on my room I start looking for Advil because my head hurts like a bitch.  I let out a frustrating groan when I can't find them no where. I
Decide To take a shower and see if I can cool down this headache.

Once I'm done showering I just put some black sweatpants since I don't sleep with a shirt. I hear some knocks at my door "come in" Carter walks in and says "hey I'm back, I'm gonna head to my room" he says leaning on the doorframe. "Alright sounds good also how did it go with Makensie?" I ask. "oh you know the usual, drunk girlfriend equals emotional girlfriend. So I just stayed until she fell asleep." I let out a chuckle. "Y'all sure are soulmates then." I say crossing my arms against my chest. "Yeah yeah, I love this girl way to fucking much." He says chuckling " I'm glad you do man." I say back "well I'm gonna go shower, goodnight." He says starting to close the door. "Goodnight!" I yell back

If you're wondering where Carter is sleeping he's sleeping in our visitors room which is pretty much his bedroom not going to lie.

I go back into my restroom to see where I left my Advil because I have no fucking idea where they are. "I give up" I groan out as I look up at the ceiling I spent like 5 minutes trying to find them and they aren't here . I turn off the lights and start closing the door of my bathroom. When I get out I notice a figure outside Everest's room, my heart starts to pick up once I see who it is.

It's Everest and she's coming over.
"Uhh shit shit!" I say. Why is she coming over?

You told her to come dip shit.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. I go beside my window, from here I'll be able to see when she comes in but she won't be able to see me.

I wait like 2 minutes when she jumps into my room. I silently creep up behind her "boo" I whisper yell into her ear she get startled and I quickly put my hand on her mouth before she can yell. As soon as she turns around she glares at me and I can't help but laugh.

I let out a satisfied sigh and look down at her again, a smirk crawls onto my face knowing she's looking at my bare chest. "Like what you see?" I say finally making her look up. She rolls her eyes at me and hits my shoulder.

"You get drunk and act like an even bigger dumbass." She says giving a sarcastic grin. I just shrug "what are you doing here Everest." I say as I start walking towards my bed, her following behind me. "You told Me to come Grayson oh I mean mr. dumbass." She says making me turn quickly "I did?" I say raising my eyebrow "yup yup!" She says.

My head starts hurting again. And I let out a groan, I lay on my bed and Everest comes over I look up to see her, and even when her hair is all messy she's still is beautiful a small smile is on her face. "Here I got you some Advil and drink this as well, it well help with the headaches." She said as she put them on the drawer beside my bed. I rubbed my hand over my face "thank you Everest." She gave me a smile and nods.

This is very awkward.

I let out a groan "god damn it everest, I'm trying- I'm trying so hard to find something wrong about you but, but I can't!" I say. She just looks at me with wide eyes.

"I know I'm perfect!" She yells back I give her a dead pan look.

I mean she isn't wrong

"Ok ok I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be joking but right now you are very confused Grays- I mean Gray and drunk so we'll talk tomorrow, I mean if you even want to okay?" She says.

I give her a smile and nod. I lean my head back on the head board and close my eyes. "Goodnight Grayson" she says "night my Everest."

Around 5 seconds pass when I feel warm lips make contact with my cheek. I let out a shuddered breath knowing god damn well who's lips those were.

I hear her footsteps quietly. Before Sleep finally reaches me I let out a small whisper  "I was never angry at you Everest. How could I?" 

  I haven't posted in such a long time ahh!!
But here's a new chapter and I honestly don't know when I'll update again lol.

But see ya next chapter byeee<3

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