Chapter 19: My Dear Friend

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While me and captain Levi were talking in the bench

A soldier went towards us

He saluted

"At ease soldier" the captain said

"I have a news to deliver to you" he said

"What is it, spit it out already" the captain hissed at him

The poor soldier went pale the next thing he said made as shock

"The titans had breached wall Rose!!" he informed

Just like that our moods immediately changed to seriousness

We went our way back to our branch headquarters in stohess district

"Those damn titans can't give us a break" the captain said irritated

I started thinking of the possible outcome

I have to tell none of it is great

I'm still wondering about were they spot the titans

It was far away from the gates

If memory serves me right

The titans always attack the gates because the wall is too strong to be even destroyed

So where is the breach exactly located


It's now nightfall

We were now at the headquarters

I went into Hange's lab

I have to tell you

It wasn't the cleanest the books and papers are scattered on the floor

I went towards avoiding the stuff on the floor

Hange looking at the microscope

I look at the object underneath it my eyes widen

"Is that Annie's crystal? Her crystal didn't evaporate with her body?" I asked she look at my direction

"Apparently not, I have a theory that the walls are made of titans" she said that made my jaw drops

"How come?" I asked her

"Do you still remember the time when Annie tried to escape through the walls" she said I nodded

"Well bit of the walls crack and revealed the titans face" she explained

"And the walls and Annie's crystal are the same structure?" I asked

"Precisely" she said and snapped her fingers in approval

"We have a lot of things we still don't know about the origin of those titans" I said

"But I think someone know but didn't have guts to tell us" she said

"Who?" I asked

Moblit started pacing back and fort

"Ms. Hange we need to leave in five minutes" he said panicking

"Wait a minute" she said

"Oi, move it" the captain said at the door

He didn't want to to come any closer because the room is filthy and he doesn't want to get Hange's germs

"Oh sorry" she said

"But is he ready?" she asked him

"He is always ready" the captain answered

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