Chapter 41: Children

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We will have our first meeting with the new queen

Historia Reiss

She summoned us for a meeting

For her first royal order

The military higher-ups are present at the meeting

Since I'm a vice captain and assistant of captain Levi

My presence is not necessarily needed at the council but Levi insisted me to come with him

I am with him on our way to the meeting

I glance at him

He has a serious face

So decided to be serious too

We entered the meeting hall it has a long table with a lot of of chairs

I saw the other higher-ups sitting at the tables

I was about to sit on my chair when

Levi pulled the chair in front of me

I sat on the chair

Just like a gentleman he is

So chivalry isn't dead?

The interaction wasn't unnoticed by the others in the room

Historia is smirking at me

And the others were shocked at the cold hearted captain of the Survey corps

Being a gentleman to his beautiful and charming vice captain

Erwin is glad that Levi is treating her properly

But he sometimes gets jealous that his sister favor him than him

But he is glad that she is happy with Levi

I was blushing so hard because everyone is staring at me

Captain Levi does not look unfaze at the stare from the other but deep inside

What the heck are they looking at!! Levi thought

He wanted to scream that in there faces but he didn't want to be rude since all of them have a higher position than him

We heard the queen coughing to draw attention from the crowd

We all shifted our focus at her

"Let's start discussing my first order as queen" she stated

"My first order is to save the children from the Underground" she ordered

"I wanted them to experience a proper life because there just like me so I don't want them to suffer more" she explained

My eyes widen in shock

But I immediately smiled at her proposal

"That is amazing your majesty" one of the council commented

"Yes we would assist you escorting the children" Darius Zackly stated

"Captain Levi and Vice Captain Rei since both of you used to live in the underground what do you think?" she asked us

"It is wonderful I will support you" captain Levi said

"Yes me too, I am happy to help the children from the Underground" I said smiling at her

We started discussing about her first order

And the plans

The meeting ended smoothly

Strength of Kindness (Levi X OC) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang