Chapter Four

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Diaspro woke up in a peaceful mood. She brushed her hair, did her makeup, ate breakfast, and headed off to open the bookshop for the morning. When she made it she was greeted by Addie with a kind smile. "Morning Sweetness, how was your day off?" The fairy smiled and immediately began her work by restocking some of the shelves which were looking a bit empty. "Oh it was wonderful." "Really? You must tell me over tea during our break." She wonders how Addie can be so kind.

She's possibly one of the kindest women Diaspro had ever met. As she fluttered throughout the shop Diaspro thought of Edward, like usual. He was occupying her thoughts more often. She wondered if she should organize their next date, after all Edward went through so much trouble planning the first. But now wasn't the time to be distracted by romance, Diaspro had a job to do. The bell on the door rang, signaling a new customer. Diaspro quickly turned to help the girl.

She was taller than Diaspro, and had long straight brown hair. "May I help you?" She must have frightened the poor girl because she jumped at the sound of Diaspro's voice. "Um- yeah, I was looking for a collection of poems by Robert Forest? My friend took mine because she lost hers." Diaspro honestly blanked out because she was so distracted by the alarming feeling of danger of the girl before her.

It confused her, what could be so dangerous about this girl? "I'm sorry we sold our last copy a couple days ago." "Oh well goodbye." Awkwardly the girl shuffled out of the shop and left. The feeling of danger going with her, in all her years of being alive the fairy had never felt such a strong aura before. It scared her how strong it was. Diaspro hoped she never crosses paths with that girl again.


Edward was in a bad mood, a very bad mood. Because he's so determined to cut Isabella Swan from his life yet she keeps finding ways to stumble back into it. Last night Alice had gotten a vision, and none of the Cullens liked it. A vampire had broken in to Bella's house, stolen one of her shirts, and began passing her scent around to a bunch of other vampires. Why would this involve the Cullens? Because the vampire must have been sent by Victoria, which confirmed Bella's words.

She was after Bella and the Cullens. The family had a long debate about what to do, Rosalie felt like since Bella was with Jacob the pack should be the ones guarding her. Jasper agreed with Rosalie, but Carlisle had the final word and decided they wouldn't be protecting Bella but instead just watching her house for any signs of Victoria. All Edward wanted to do was spend time with his mate in peace. Instead he has to look after Bella and watch out for Victoria and her army.

He huffed at the thought, and glanced over at Jasper who just came to join him outside. The brothers didn't speak for a while, but both understood what the other was trying to say without speaking. Edward could read minds and Jasper can feel emotions, so both knew the other was annoyed by this whole situation. Edward knew this also must be a bit painful for Jasper. Jasper never really says how his past affects him, but Edward can hear it in his thoughts. And he knows how Jasper feels about Victoria's army and the memories it's bringing back.

"Congratulations on your mate by the way." Of course Alice told Jasper, why wouldn't she tell Jasper? Jasper chuckled at the annoyance rolling off of Edward, but there was also a few specks of happiness in that annoyance. "What's she like?" "She's perfection, well at least she is to me." Jasper never felt so much happiness coming from Edward, it made him happy knowing his brother was happy. He was afraid at first when Alice told him that Edward had found his mate. He just hoped the girl wasn't anything like Bella.

He hasn't met her yet but he can already tell she isn't. Because he never felt this much happiness from Edward when he was with Bella. Actually when Edward was with Bella, all he felt was worried, if Edward was human he'd have been a nervous wreck. But it was nice to see Edward smiling so much lately, Jasper was glad he can finally smile like that. He was glad Edward found someone that could make him smile like that.

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