Chapter Eight

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Bella watched her with envy. Every move she made fueled her jealous fire. Her delicate smiles and graceful steps fanning the flames higher. Jealousy felt like a wild fire, once it started you didn't know how to make it stop.

Bella eyed the small blonde with so much hatred, how dare she? How dare she come between Bella and Edward's love, and then have the audacity to flaunt herself in front of Jacob. Bella truly deeply wanted Diaspro gone, she wanted to be the only woman Edward would look at with eyes practically drowned in love. He was her everything, they loved so deeply that surely it didn't just fade away, surely he still loved her.

Diaspro was sat on the ground with Edward behind her, holding her small frame to himself. In her hands she had flowers, twisting them together for some reason. Edward leaned down and pulled her hair behind her ear, whispering something to her. Whatever he said had the blonde giggling.

Bella's glare intensified like the heat within her heart. That should be her, she knew that. Bella had come to the conclusion that it was always meant to be her, Edward, and Jacob, their love was fated. She could feel it, and it all made sense. She used to think that she had to choose, being human with Jacob, or spending eternity with Edward, but there was no choice. They were meant to be together, all three of them.

That's why she felt like she needed to be in Forks, that's why she was pulled to the Cullens and the Pack, that's why she fell in love with Edward and Jacob. Sadly she ruined whatever opportunity she had, but she was on the path to fix it. She just had to get rid of Diaspro. Something easier said than done.


Edward's hoodie fit comfortably around Diaspro, she loved it so much she probably wasn't going to give it back. She was just sitting in Edward's lap, listening to him pur while he nuzzled into her neck. The flower crown she was crafting for him was nearly finished. Watching his family train with the wolves was an interesting experience. Speaking of said wolves, Edward was trying to keep her fear distracted by acting like a cat and demanding attention. It was so adorable her heart skipped.

From what she's learned, newborn vampires are extremely dangerous. They have heightened strength and senses even more so than a normal vampire because they still have their human blood in their veins. Victoria created her army so they could take out the Cullens and Bella Swan. However from what she's heard it doesn't sound like they would just stop there. Hence why they involved the wolves.

They glanced at her and Edward several times, and considering the history of his recent relationship with Bella, she could understand why. It must have been odd to see him with another woman.

Edward moved one of his hands from her waist and pulled her hair back, whispering to her. "The wolves think you could do much better." Diaspro giggled at the comment, the thought of anyone being better than Edward for her was ridiculous. She couldn't imagine what it would be like without him now, despite their relationship only being several weeks old.

Diaspro could also feel Bella's murderous glare, she just frankly didn't give a shit. Isabella could glare all she wants, it's not going to change anything. It irked her that Bella couldn't focus that same amount of attention onto her own lover. If you're not over your previous relationship, why see someone new? It's unfair on them to be the distraction from the thoughts of your ex lover. Diaspro truly felt pity for both Bella and her Jacob.

"Dia!" Alice and Jasper popped up in front of the couple, Alice sat on Jasper's back while he carried her, a small smile in the corner of his lip. He was leading the group in the training session, but now it looks like everyone is taking a small break.

"Girls night, sleepover, you're coming, no exceptions." Alice laid out her terms and as fast as they appeared, her and Jasper vanished.

"I can't save you from her." Although he still can't actually accomplish it, Edward already knew what Diaspro was thinking. The small fairy groaned but smiled, some girl time with Alice sounded nice. It would distract them all from the ongoing battle, and the fact they still had no idea when Victoria was to attack. Besides can anyone truly tell Alice no? She would never accept no as an answer.

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