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Yukaro finally let's go of you after dragging you all around the school. "See! Our school is so cool!"

You stare at her blankly, you chest heaving from all the running you had to do due to the red head dragging you. "It'd be cooler had you not dragged me everywhere," you huff as you attempt to straighten yourself out.

"Aw, come on l/n. You know ya loved it!!" Her grin gets even wider and her cheeks start to poke out even more.

You gently poke one of her cheeks "No." You retract your hand then your eyebrows furrowing as she's simply watching you. "...what?"

"Yer adorable!" A large grin breaks out on her face once more. "I just wanna keep ya all to myself an' eat ya up!"

You simple stare at her "I'm going to class."

"Oh come on l/n~ don't just leave me here~"

You ignore Yukaro and try your best to find your way to the second year wing of the school. This layout being nothing even close to Nekoma.

Eventually you manage to find it, taking out your crumbled schedule from your pocket you inspect it, quickly discovering you need to head towards class one, you being assigned to seat six.

You make your way inside seeing the classroom is mostly empty of people, which makes since due to the fact you have at least fifteen minutes until class starts.

Not having your PSP to play with you simply go onto your phone and let that distract you until class will begin.


The first thing Miya Osamu experienced coming back from winter break was... a strange kind of usual.

Of course he got to school early him and Atsumu making sure the greet the new third years, noticing the absence of last years.

The coach let them direct their own morning practice, so he wasn't there. The team hadn't had tryouts yet so the incoming first years weren't around and last years third years were long gone. Now it was just last years second and first years, now third and second years, respectively.

Eventually morning practice had ended and Osamu, along with the rest of the team went to the locker room to prepare themselves for the long school day ahead, Atsumu, already to Osamu's annoyance, talking about the fan girls he's sure are excited to see the volleyball teams, the teams golden twins in particular though. However no one even pays much attention to him, the boys choosing to get dressed instead.

Osamu heads out, he notes he only has about ten minutes before class begins.

Osamu navigates the halls, easily evading fan girls and fanboys alike, to get to class in just three minutes. Seven to spare. As soon as he gets close to the doors of class one his nose picks up an alluring sent. He wonders how he hadn't smelled it earlier, was he not paying attention? Had they been wearing blockers last year? Osamu didn't know how he'd not smelled this scent before now, but he was thanking every god out there he smelled it now. Because this scent, this was something Osamu wanted to bury his nose in every second of every day.


You were by no means, as sensitive to smell as some other omegas that you knew. For the most part you simply just thought of most scents as okay. Sure there were some scents you preferred over others, such as Yaku's over Koutarou's bombastic scent, especially after a game where their sweat made their scents 10x stronger. But you'd never had a scent effect you for real before. Nothing had an impact quite like this.

It was gradually getting stronger too. Eventually it's right outside of the door. Your eyes are trained on the door, ready for it to slide open and reveal the owner of the scent. The scent stops then turns away, headed away from the door. Your brows furrow, annoyed. The first time a scent had effected you so and they just turned and walked away? You wanted to throw something.

You check the time on your phone, six minutes until class starts. Hopefully the person that the scent belonged to would be back.

Three minutes before class starts and the scent is back. However there is another scent, just as alluring as the first, trailing along with the first one.

Your eyes snap up to the door again, although it's more than just their scents this time, there's scattered voices too, lots of them.

Finally, oh gods finally, the door opens. And the scents practically slap you across the face. They were tall, both of them had to be at least six feet. The shorter of the two, was of a large build, you're sure if he stood next to you he'd dwarf over you as if you were a child, and had gray hair however his eyes were deadlocked onto yours. Oh shit. Aaaand now you're planning a wedding.

Flustered you move onto the second one, he's a bit taller than the first and he has a sort of bored expression on his face as he gazed at his phone however, almost as if he can tell you're staring at him, he looks up at you and raises an eyebrow. You quickly duck your head down and stare at your desk as if it's the most interesting thing on earth. Damn, two weddings in one day, who knew?

What truly surprises you is the fact that as soon as the two step in you're bombarded with other scents, lots of other scents. You glance upwards again to see a group of both boys and girls flood into the classroom after the two males who had the inviting scents. You wonder if to other people, both omegas and alphas alike, find the two scents smelling better than average too.

You stiffen up as the first male, the gray haired one, slides into the chair across from you. You don't get a chance to breath because the black haired one slips into the place on the other side of you. So now your sandwiched by the two alphas. You mentally hope that the two aren't total creeps who only sat by you because your an omega.

"Ya new this year?"

Freezing you look to your right where the gray haired male is staring down at you. "Uh," you lick your lips, just now noticing in your fit of nervousness just how dry and chapped your mouth feels. "Yeah. I transferred from over in Tokyo." his voice in this dialect is so hot.

"Oh? What made ya decide to transfer?" A small grin is on his face and all you can think is that this man is absolutely stunning.

"My mother, she had to relocate for her job."

He nods "Gotcha. So y'know ya hav'ta join a club right?"

"Mhm," you hum "I'm planning on joining the volleyball team. I was on it at my last school so i'm hoping i can join this one as well."

"Oh?" Both he and the black haired male share a knowing glance which causes you to look at the two uneasily.


"Ah, it's nothing." The gray haired one says "It's just that the volleyball team is a little..."

"Weary of newcomers." The black haired one plainly interjects.

"Why?" you question.

The black haired one makes direct eye contact with the gray haired male "The twins."

A slightly amazed whisper leaves you "Twins... i've never met twins."

The blacked haired male chuckles "Join the team and you will."

"Speaking of, what position would you play?"

You let out a small laugh "Play? Oh no. I'm a manager."


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