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Atsumu knew what he was doing was probably weird. But it's too late (and took him too long) to even consider backing out now. So here he was, skipping out on part of morning practice, which puzzled the entire team and to some extent Atsumu himself, to see if what he'd searched for during his free time yesterday was even true.

Was l/n y/n's locker really 287? The methods that Atsumu resorted to in order to even get the locker number were easy enough but just having to flirt with some girls who happened to know where your locker was located was bad enough. Him having done it for nothing will have just been overkill.

He smells you before he sees you and he briefly wonders if you are able to smell him too. But his soon focuses back to see you glance around for something, Atsumu taking care to avoid being spotted, before you glance back at Yukaro. Seeing her Atsumu mentally groans.

Astsumu focuses back on you as he sees you walking towards a locker. Inserting a key and unlocking it. 287, what do you know, the pigs were right. Atsumu takes care to remember the number so he could write it down somewhere. Atsumu quickly takes his leave, avoiding you and Yukaro as he does so.


You falter mid sentence as you note a scent leave glancing around once again to see if you can spot who only to fail once more.

"Ya alright?" Yukaro ask, her looking at you in concern.

"Yeah i'm fine. I thought i smelled something." You take one last glance around before shrugging "Guess not."

Yukaro leans in and nudges you with her shoulder "What? Hoping it was Kita or Suna~" She teases, a self satisfied smiled stamped on her lips.

You roll your eyes and gently nudge her away "Shut up."

"Why? Ya know ya want ta see 'em!"

"Shhhh!" You quickly glance around hoping no one heard Yukaro. "You're too loud! What if they were nearby and heard you!"

Yukaro snickers "Don' worry. They're at morning practice. Couldn't hear me if I yelled it from tha rooftops." You deflate, a little happy they couldn't hear Yukaro's loud mouth. "But ya didn't deny it."

You change the subject. "If they have morning practice. Shouldn't you have morning practice?"

"Nah, we start next week like you do." Yukaro trails off before spinning to you, all energy again. "Have ya met Aran yet?"

You look up at her in confusion, "Who?"

A grin splits her face "Don't worry. I'll introduce ya at lunch!" There's a mischievous giggle before she drags you away, down to the canteen to meet up with a few friends, people she wanted you to meet.


You're sitting in class now, reviewing your notes. There was nothing really to memorize as you hadn't actually had the chance to take many notes. Although you had noticed a few heavy hitters, a dark skinned male with an arm like mad, this guy seemed a lot more familiar to you. Like you should've been able to place him. Like you'd met before. But besides him there were other obvious talents, Osamu and Atsumu had undeniable chemistry on the court despite the fact they had shot insults at each other all practice and the fact that there was almost a fist fight, but you had noted that one look from Kita was all it took for the two to find themselves acting the closest thing they could mange to civil with one another.

While it was funny at times it was also quite concerning, but the utter coolness and precision of their moves, even while hurling insults—especially when hurling insults at each other, was precise. Atsumu was truly a spectacular setter but Osamu's skills were certainly nothing to scoff at either.

The entire team was quite strong, and that was without the addition of any first years. Privately you wondered what kind of first years Nekoma got. Other than the tall one who apparently couldn't get a grip on receiving as Yaku had told you over the phone a few nights ago.

You give a tentative sniff of the air. You eye the door as the three approach and it's no surprise when the door slides open and it's both of the Miya twins and Suna.

You flip the notebook over to a clean page. Your notes were purely volleyball stats and things you written down from observing their practice without (most) of them knowing. Of course you'd be able to explain it but frankly you didn't want to.

"So y/n." You glance up from your notebook with a hum to see Atsumu was the one who started the conversation, a smirk on his face. "What did you do yesterday?"

You cut a quick look to Suna who only stares blankly back at you before your gaze settles back on Atsumu. "Nothing really, why?"

"Just askin' ya gonna busy after school a lot?"

You think back to the practice after school ...and the many more to come, "Yeah." Osamu snickers.

Atsumu's grin seems to falter just a little bit. "Oh." He seems to pout to himself a bit.

"But you play volleyball. You should be busy after school too, shouldn't you?"

Osamu snickers again, Suna quietly joining in. "Atsumu," You speak plainly "Class with start soon, shouldn't you do your best to be on time?" Atsumu stiffens before nodding.

"Yeah, i'll go." You all watch as Atsumu turns and stiffly walks out the door.

"Ya sure did turn him down, huh?" Osamu has a smile stuck to his face as he sits down.


Osamu ignores you, "So yer already a pretty good manager. Sendin' us to class on time an' stuff."

You shrug "Y'know teenage boys and things. Gotta keep you all in check somehow."

"This the journal you had?" Suna questions. You don't get a chance to answer before he's pulling it over to himself and flipping through it. "Hm, this from yesterday?" You let out a little sigh but nod, resigning yourself to the fact that Suna is flipping through the notes on his team. He tilts his head as he reads along the page and you wonder if he'd gotten to the page where you'd started writing about what you'd observed about him. Him and his interesting torso, but his middle blocking was definitely something to be admired. To be honest most of the stats and things you'd written down was all positive.

"Class," Your attention is stolen as the teacher walks in, effectively killing your free time.


A/N: Lol heysies, sorry about the long wait for a new chapter. tbh, i really just fell out of the haikyuu fandom for a while. Honestly i didn't know how much is missed it until I started writing again. anyway enjoy, happy Hanukkah and happy holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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