Volume 1 Chapter 2

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The confrontation (2)

Kane stood in front of the huge figure of the bully, he stuck out above him, being almost a full head taller.

The air started to grow cold and the mood darkened even further. An ear deafening silence was playing out between them. Not even the sound of the teachers explaining algebra could penetrate the silence, because no teacher was actually teaching. Everyone was listening to the scene going on in the corridor. Hoping not to miss any of the action. Kane figured that getting out of the situation would be his best bet. It was then that Kane spoke up.

"Hey dude, I'm really sorry for bumping into you, I'm in the wrong and I'll never do it again so please, let me off the hook this time." Kane silently damned his helplessness, he hated himself for putting up such a disgrace of a display. But it wasn't enough.

Asahi:" Hmmm. A little sorry won't save you, you see, my fists still have business with you! " Asahi closed the distance between them with a dash and threw his fist back.

Getting ready for impact, Kane shrinked and flinched hard, closing his eyes. The seconds seemed to turn into minutes, but the hit never came.

"what the?…-"

As he slowly opened his eyes, all around him was bathed in white light. His surroundings seemed to disappear.

Seeing this Kane really started to panic

"did I actually fucking die? Did that bastard Asahi hit me so hard I got sent to the afterlife? Well I might actually find out if I go to hell or heaven I guess."

The surroundings that kept getting brighter, enveloping everything around, seems to have stopped.

He looked behind him, and saw endless white stretch out before him. Then he heard a faint noise behind him, it was ichigo! And Shin, and others he didn't know by name. People came pouring into the white wastelands until he couldn't see around him anymore, as he was surrounded by people. This went on for a solid 5 minutes, by then about 40 people were transported into the white space. Kane was looking for his friends, but as he was about to shout their names, a humming noise started to fill their ears. The sound started very faint and grew louder with the seconds, until it was the only thing he could hear. He asked around him if they also heard the sound, but was looked upon as being crazy.

As if someone snapped his fingers, the sound stopped and with a loud POP a man appeared in the sky. Everyone looked up.

10 seconds passed as everyone waited in agony for the man to start speaking. When Kane was about to think this man wouldn't say anything at all, he spoke with a thundering voice.

[children! You all must be very confused. I'm very sorry that I am not allowed to answer all your questions, though I'll try my best to give enlightenment to a few.
I'll start by saying, no, you haven't died. At the end of the mission, I will send you back home]

"But who are you to abduct us out of nowhere!" someone in the crowd shouted

"yeah we were fine where we were!"
A riot started forming between the people on the ground. He noticed, all of them were from his school.

The ground shook as the man shouted. Fear was written over everyone's face.

[While you are right, there's nothing I can do about it, especially not anymore, as you've already been summoned.]

[I shall now explain as to why I've summoned you all here. There are 5 demon lords which are taking over the land. You will team up to defeat these demon kings.]

[You shall train the skills I will give you and overcome your challenges. To open your status, simply think about opening it and it will appear before you.]

[I will now transfer you into the next world. I wish you all success.]

{wait is that really enough information? How about what skills we get? How do we use them? There's no way this is enough information!}

The same blinding light enveloped their sight and before he knew it they found themselves in a large open plain of grass with mountains far in the background. Here and there were a few trees, around the size of acacia trees.

About a 100 meters north, a trail could be seen, leading far into the distance. The other side of the trail led to a forest.

This is the beginning of their adventure, in a new world.

Volume 1 chapter 2 end

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