Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Volume 1 chapter 3 beginning

Shattered dreams

Dumbfounded, everyone was looking around, trying to look for clues as to where to were and what to do now.

Intrigued by what the, what he assumes was God, -said to them about a status, he tried to open it.

"Let's see, according to the God dude, we just had to think about opening the status, to open it."

As he thought about it a transparent Grey rectangle appeared before him with a small 'pling'. On the rectangle, white text appeared, almost as a pc booting up.

[Status Board 2.0] [First time start up. Click OK to start assigning unique skill on random]

{Huh so, we get skills at random? Well we're supposed to kill the demon lords with these so all of them are probably really strong combat based skills. Let's just continue I guess}

As Kane was about to reach for ok, his hand spasms, resulting in him clicking OK twice in a second. Booting the status twice.

{OH shit, I might've broken it}

It took 20 seconds for the status window to finish calculating. All the while the status window was booting, Kane was eagerly waiting on what skill he would receive.

It was about then when suddenly...


"Hey, the board is finished! Let's see what I got."

[Obtained appraisalexpmultiplayer]

{That's weird, there's 2 skills, but they're smashed together? Is that supposed to be like that? Is it 1 skill or 2?}

'ping' [Updating]

{Oh it changed}

[new skills

Appraisal lvl 1

Exp multiply lvl 1]

"Oh shit I actually got some good ones!" he shouted

"Huh? You got multiple?" some people around him asked

"Uh well yea I guess, it looked really weird at first but then it just... idk updated, since then I had 2." Kane exclaimed.

"Huh. Weird." the guy replied, and started focusing on his own status again.

{Well I guess it's on me for hoping he'd praise me a little bit more, but at least people seem to have forgotten about my fiasco with Asahi.}

It was then that he heard a familiar voice, shouting his name on his right.

{Ahw fuck, speak of the devil}

"Kane! Where the fuck are you hiding!"

Kane turned around to face the voice that was shouting his name and at that moment the monstrous bully stepped into the light.

"There you are. Trying to hide in all the commotion huh? Sadly for you that didn't work. I still have something to finish with you"

Asahi pulled back and hit Kane in his face with all his force. Kane desperately tried to dodge his fist but he just wasn't fast enough. The impact smashed him backwards into the ground and rolled over twice until he was stopped by a tree with his back.

All the attention from the onlookers was now aimed at him and loud gasps could be heard.

Kane's nose had started bleeding from the impact, his head hurt from the hit and his back started bleeding from bouncing off the tree. As he sat there in disbelief, Asahi drew closer to the confused Kane and started to trash talk him.

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