Initiation Day Pt. 2

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We get a view and see the girls all sleeping soundly as the morning sun rises on Beacon as birds were chirping. Everything was just so peaceful. Until a very certain ginger haired girl disrupted that peace.

???: Wakey, wakey sleepy head! It's morning, it's morning, it's morning!

This caused three of the girls to groggily wake up, but there was still one who was still asleep even after that whole wake up call. And that certain girl was Yang.

Weiss: Ugh! Yang get up.

Yang: Mmmmm five more minutes.

Blake: *YAWN* Yang we don't have time for this.

Ruby: Don't worry girls I got this.

_WB_: How?

Ruby grins evilly and she then grabbed a hair trimmer out of her bag, got closer to Yang and turned on the trimmer. This made Yang go wide-eyed with red eyes and flaming hair as she quickly stands up with a angered look.

Yang: Don't. You. Dare!

Ruby: Oh relax. It was the only way to get you up.

Yang calms down, stretches a little bit and yawns, then they all went to go get breakfast and get ready for the day, all the while listening to the ginger girl talking to the pink stripped haired boy, who they figured was her friend, who looked like he was just tired and annoyed. The girl just keeps on talking about being a team and sloths for some reason.

Ruby: Wonder what they're talking about?

Yang: Who knows. (Looks over at her) You look like your ready to go.

Ruby: Oh yea! No more getting to know people stuff. Just me and my baby singing our songs today.

We now go see Weiss and Blake next to each other as Weiss was talking with Pyrrah Nikos. Weiss was trying to convince her to team up, while Blake was just standing behind her just listening to their conversation, knowing exactly what Weiss is up to.

Weiss: So Pyrrah? Wanna try and partner up with me and Blake here?

Pyrrah: Sure!

Weiss: Great!

Weiss then turns around and starts scheming while Blake looks at her with a deadpanned expression.

Blake: Yeah... let's just hope she gets someone different.

Just then, Jaune walks over to them and tries to hit on Weiss.

Jaune: Wanna know what else is great, me, Jaune Arc, nice to meet you.

_WB_: 'Oh boy!'


We now see Jaune hanging by his hoodie by Pyrrah's spear. As the three girls start to leave Pyrrah gives him a wave and graps her spear which causes Jaune to fall down on his butt, as he sits there contemplating on his life, Ruby and Yang walk up to him.

Yang: Having trouble there lady killer?

Jaune: *SIGH* I don't get it, my mum said that all woman look for is confidence.

Loud speaker: All first year students to Beacon cliff for initiation.

Ruby: Come on Jaune.

Ruby then picks him up and they start leaving with Yang in tow. Once they got there at the cliff, Ruby and Yang went to go find their spots and they found them right next to Weiss and Blake.

Once all the students were ready, Ozpin and Goodwitch come out and announce their goal and the rule of finding a partner, which makes Ruby nervous because what if she can't find her sisters and gets stuck with someone else. And once the students were launched with Jaune being the last one, screaming like a girl as he's flying in the air. Once all the students were on their way, (Y/N) comes out of nowhere and walks up to the professors and admires the view.

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