Family Time

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It was a peaceful Friday afternoon for team RWBY as they were in their dorm trying to stay busy as they were bored. Well except for Ruby, for she was currently drawing something in her notebook. And that currently a new weapon design for her brother. You see the reason as to why she is doing this is because... well... why don't we go back to the day of initiation right after (Y/N)'s speech.

*Flash-back to the Initiation speech*

After the speech, (Y/N) walked off somewhere with Ozpin and Glynda. After about 5 minutes of conversing with the other students, team RWBY went to go look for (Y/N) and celebrate with him.

Yang: Where did Onii-chan walk off to?

Weiss: No idea. He just walked out with Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch.

As they were about to round a corner they started to hear someone coughing. This makes the girls curious as they start to round their heads around the corner and what they saw horrified them. (Y/N) was leaning up against the wall and coughing up blood into a hanker-chief with the professors trying to support and help him.

Glynda: (Y/N)... are you alright?

(Y/N): *COUGH!* Yeah I'll- *COUGH! *COUGH!* I'll be fine. (Spits up blood)

Ozpin: *Sigh* (Y/N)... how many times have we told you not to go overboard with your breathing style? You really need to utilize dust more.

(Y/N): I know, I know. I mean don't get me wrong I can use any weapon, I mean hell I had to teach my sisters how to use their weapons. But when I use my breathing techniques with other materials that isn't made out of the same material like my katana and kunai, they melt like butter. So what do want me to do Ozpin? Just stand and do nothing? Become a bystander and watch people die? Well no thank you, I'll take my chances of dying from exhaustion.

(Y/N) then walks off leaving the professors behind. Ozpin sighs and motions Glynda to follow him to makes sure he heads to the infirmary to make sure he is alright.

Ozpin: *Sigh* You four can come out now.

This startles the girls as they ask themselves how he knew that they were there. But they just decided to accept it and head over to him and see what he has to say.

Ruby: Yes Headmaster?

Ozpin: I have a request for you four.

Yang: And what's that sir?

Ozpin then turns around to face team RWBY with a serious look which made the girls even more curious but yet scared of what the request might be. He then started walking away and motioned them to follow him. Once they got to his office the girls stood in front of his desk as they stated to get impatient as Ozpin opened up his desk and pulled out a small chest with two chunks of a certain ore that the girls didn't recognize. Weiss walks up to the ore to take a look at it and picks up a chunk to inspect it.

Weiss: It's warm. What is this?

Ozpin: This is nichirin ore. The same ore that your brother used to create his weapons.

RWBY: Whoa!

Blake: But... I thought this ore was mined out of existence. How did you find this?

Ozpin: Well ever since I first saw and inspected this ore, I knew that it would be mined out for it's dexterity and warmth that it holds due to it being found on mountains and being exposed to the sunlight. So I decided to keep a little stash for myself for Mr. (L/N) because of the fact that he relies more on his breathing technique.

Yang: Yeah.... we saw and heard that whole conversation.

Ruby: We had no idea that he was having this issue. But I can think of why he would keep this secret from us.

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