Prologue: [SHATTERED]

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A/N: Hello! Welcome, dear reader, to book 2 of the Burning series! This book follows the events of its predecessor, Dust, which can be found on my profile! I hope you all enjoy this book, and if you'd like, leave a vote or a comment! Thank you so much!

There's a disturbing kind of beauty to be found in shattered glass.

It's like a magnet to me, thought I know not why. Perhaps it stems from the sharp edges, and the way that should part of it break, it all comes crashing down.

Maybe it's the mesmerizing spiderweb of breaks that come when my fist collides with the bathroom mirror, or the small shards that dig into my skin.

It might even be the hollow eyes I see in my reflection, reminding me of one thing.

You killed her.

She was your friend, and...




Perhaps it's the way the broken fragments remind me of my own torn and shattered mind, or the way my heart constantly aches. Guilt on my mind works the same way as does a fist against glass.

It tears you apart, ripping out your soul until all that are left are fragments.

Guilt is a deadly demon, the kind that tortures you until all of the blame falls on you.

And it tastes like ashes in my mouth.

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