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Dick knew that the manor and it's residents weren't normal.

Bruce would disappear into his office on the first floor almost every night from 10p.m. to some time between 3 and 6a.m. like clockwork, and when Dick ask about it Bruce would simply say he was working late on projects for Wayne Enterprises then was quick to change the topic.

Alfred was as silent as a ghost when he moved and seem to disappear as easily as he would suddenly appear.

And then there was the actual ghost.

Dick knew there was a ghost; Alfred even conformed it when he asked!

Dick would hear footsteps in the halls when there was no one there or he would look into a room and see objects floating in mid-air. However, as soon as Dick would make his presence known the things would return to there original place; and no Bruce, it wasn't a trick of the light. Dick knew what he saw!

There was also the piano in B's office. It play near 24/7 and nothing B said could possibly explain to Dick why there was piano music coming from his office when all three of them were in the same room.

Dick had once asked Alfred for books on ghosts and what the butler brought the young orphaned acrobat was surprising.

They were old, strangely colored book; so ancient he was afraid of touching them in fear of damaging them. Inside the books held astonishing information and fascinating stories that had the boy lost in there pages for days. It mostly took Dick so long to read the books because he didn't know how to read English very well.

Sure Dick had heard about ghosts but he was never been told about them to this extent. What fascinated Dick the most to learn was that apparently ghosts live in another dimension entirely, a sister dimension, a flip side to their reality, the Infinity Realms also knows the Ghost Zone.

Another thing about ghosts that amazed Dick was that the current Ghost King, King Phantom, used to be a superhero. The Protector of Amity Park, to be exact. Most of the newer books Alfred had given him were all tales of Phantom's adventures and story's that told of how he became the Ghost King. Dick's favorite part to read about was the "Battle for Amity Park" where Phantom led an army of his enemies turn temporary allies against an evil skeleton ghost army and won a dual against the previous mad tyrant Ghost King Pariah Dark, making Phantom the new king by Right of Conquest according to ghost law.

And that battle happened only nine years ago! A few months before he was born to be exact!

So yes, Dick was absolutely convinced that the Ghost of Wayne Manor was real. Which explained Bruce's one rule; Don't go into B's office. (The 'No swinging on the chandeliers' rule not withstanding.)

However, now Dick just had to go in there. When you tell someone, especially if they're a child, not to do something then that's the first thing they're going to do.

The question was, how and when was he going to sneak into Bruce's office?

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