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The one time...

The one time Dick decided to come visit him early just had be the same day that Bruce was going down to the cave a bit later then usual. While Danny just-so-happened to be helping Alfred prep for the breakfast the butler was going to be making next day in the kitchen at the time.

Now, he had to help Alfred explain to Bruce why having a small child in traffic light colors fight crime with him under the codename "Robin" was a very bad idea. Something that the young ghostly adult felt should have been obvious, but Danny had unfortunately dealt with head-strong adults like this before (just look at his parents) and he knew Batman wouldn't see reason.

Trying to talk Dick out of it was also pointless, the little nine year old was already far too excited to see the gravity of the danger he was going to be putting himself in.

So Danny, begrudgingly, had to resign himself to the fact that this was happening whether he approved or not; all the ghost could do at this point was offer the kid advice and make sure Dick didn't get himself killed.

And if Bruce's coffee would suddenly freeze over for no explicit reason or he'd be served slightly burned food at meal time? Well, that was between him and Alfred.

Danny was going to do all he could to ensure the little acrobat was safe as he could be out in the field. The specter knew he couldn't protect the kid from everything, but he'd be damned to the depts of the realms if he didn't do everything in his power to make sure Dick was as prepared he could possibly be.

Looks like Danny Phantom, worlds first official superhero, would have to come out of his self-imposed semi-retirement to help train the next generation of superheroes.

Ancients, help him.

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