17. Seven Deadly Sins : Gluttony

120 7 23

Trigger warning : Drug Abuse

"How could you come back without her ?!" , He barks


"you what , Victoria?!?"

Myla interjects the verbal attacks against Victoria -"Vincent , it wasn't her fault , they came and started shooting up the place , the only people who came out of there are standing in this room !"

"And Daniel ?" Vincent asks , crossing his arms.

Myla's silence was enough to answer his question. He survived. Not only Vincent's plan backfired but now he has the Russian government tracking him with every they have. He just became the most wanted man overnight , and unlike his dead (pronounced ) brother , he wasn't so fond of over throwing the government.

The fist smashing the glass table was less startling to Lucas than it was to Victoria. He was the definition of fury , his previously pale and cold face is now slightly red , spreading from his ears to his neck. His suit jacket was creased and his hand was now slightly bleeding. A constant scowl deepened on his lips.

Vincent was angry.

More importantly He was angry at her.

Victoria relates to the helplessness he feels , the same one she felt in the club as she rushed out , unable to find Elizabeth in the hustling crowd between the blood splattering on the stripper poles and gunshots ricocheting through the club.

In the midst of chaos was Victoria looking for her blond haired friend, baring


for a glimpse of Elizabeth.

Her heart heaving and her voice on the verge of breaking still hollering for Elizabeth , as Myla ushered -no-forcefully dragged her into the back of club , a car waiting for them there riding them expeditiously to a helicopter waiting . Victoria sits in Vincent's living room , her hair a mess , the red dress torn in places she didn't feel necessary to acknowledge.

Lucas is in the room too , his icy stare of carelessness just adding to the silence of the room.

He doesn't need to speak, she can hear him in her head. Telling her about objects , about people and attachments.

She pulls her knees closer resting her chin on them ,trying to feel some sort of comfort in her own embrace , a silent film plays stubbornly in her mind , showcasing Elizabeth lying face down somewhere in the middle of the club or the back ally , a pool of dark scarlet red seeping across the concrete , the only indication that once there was life in the broken body. A life that was full of hope and faith and all those things you'd seen in a young aspiring women .

A notification on her phone acts as an intermission in the dark sadistic movie that is playing in her mind. She looks up , Lucas's eyes are on her , he keeps the phone back in his pockets. Vincent got one too...by the looks of it , his shaking hands reach for his phone throwing a confused gaze to his brother.

An email , containing a few attachments from Lucas.

Victoria and Vincent share a look , and then look back at Lucas.

"Lucas , what is this ?" . Vincent questions his brother.

He turns to leave on his heels , and keeps walking pausing for a moment he looks over his should and pitilessly replies , "cherry on top"

And he's gone.

She looks back , waiting for the footsteps to fade. Vincent however is quick to open the folder. His face falls , and eyes darken , pure horror descends on his face . Studying his reaction , she assumes the contents of the files are nowhere close to pleasant , and her nightmare of a movie is branching into a possible reality.

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