18. Broken Women

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Victoria steps back from the mirror, observing herself in the mirror. Lips rubbing together to even out the matte pigment of her lipstick . Her dark circles concealed by the most expensive foundation , she suppresses a yawn . Her eyes have no life , neither does her appearance. Its all polished and dull , its been some times since she has worn something so tailored-courtesy of Lucas.

He did what he said , he took back control and she went back to working for him.

She is hardly recovering from her grim grapple-borderline alcoholism . Every day she meets up with Vincent and David to find Elizabeth and every night returns with a bottle of vodka in her hands , gathered tears under her eyes and dismaying load of guilt. He has a lead -it turns out to be a bluff-she tried hacking into the Cushing's network but now its stronger than ever , its almost ten times more complex ones than she's dealt with.

It makes hacking into British and Chinese government networks looks like child's play.

She has aged two years in two months , and the condition of her liver is a medical atrocity , and her withdrawal is all consuming , she is parched most of the time and hungry every hour.

Securing the hair band on her hair she looks down , taking in the changes in her physical appearance , its all just a façade , a tough exterior. She smoothers down the silk button up shirt resting on her chest , watching as it folds and curves among her waistline and finally tugged in all neat in her skirt.

It was all about intimidation , he said. She has to exclude control in the meeting taking place in the conference room.

As she steps out of the door , she finds Lucas typing away against the glass screen. He must've heard the click of her heels , he looks up slowly. A smile creeping up on his face. Ever since Elizabeth was gone , Lucas was hardly ever present. He was either on call or in late night meetings. Its almost like he didn't know who Elizabeth was.


She does not give him the gratification of a reaction .

Walking past him-trying not to stumble into the elevator , he joins soon after pressing the floor they needed to be at. The whole ride is silent , just his eyes on her.

The doors open and they exit in silence , the stillness following them as they approach the meeting room. There is a women , presumably hired by his security members. She stands there with a scowl on her place , a laptop under her arm and a gun in her pocket.

She nods at Lucas "they're all there"

"Oh? That early ? how considerate"

"Madam " she hands Victoria a laptop.

She traces the cold sleek edges on the laptop

"Keep the places bugged" Lucas orders "Forward all communication elsewhere"

"Of course"

He runs a hand through his hair and adjusts his tie , pausing at the door


With that he enters the room .

As planned , she stands behind until scrapes of chairs are heard , she listens to him make proper introductions , then pick up on the quite responds of the client.

Her entrance however is met with wide eyes and immediate halts in ongoing speeches . She stands behind Lucas unsmiling and laptop in hand.

There are four people in the room , excluding her and Lucas. All of them dressed professionally and laptop with each person. All of them wear a similar unpleasant expression , there are men of different appearance. There is a large man , with a moustache and a tall lanky man besides him. A teenager of Japanese descend-with thick rimmed glasses acknowledges Lucas like he is some malevolent deity .

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