1 ~ Learning

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''We don't have any money now, Victor. They will cut the electricity if we don't pay.'' I heard my mother's hushed voice as she spoke to my dad.

''I know, Anna. I will find the money somehow. It's just the bad month in this year, okay?'' He said and his voice sounded reassuring.

''I know. I will try to ask my boss to give me some money before the due date for salary.'' Mom said.

''I don't want to worry the girls,'' Dad said making me frown. I was seventeen, going eighteen in four months. I wanted to be included and help them.

I had a right to know that my parents struggled. Olivia was still young about the grown-up business but I wasn't. But I also understood them. Having two children and rent to take care of with the small salary, was tough for my parents.

But we never missed a meal in our day. Sometimes we had more, sometimes less. I don't remember a day when we didn't fall asleep with a full stomach. That was what I was grateful for.

I sighed, removing myself from the door, and went to the room I and Olivia shared. We had two beds and a nightstand separated us. Our apartment was small but it was cozy so I loved it.

I laid in the bed and pulled the duvet over my body. As soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep waiting to wake up for school the next day.


''Baby Milla!'' I heard my best friend from the kindergarten shout at the end of a hallway. It was too early for me to hear such a noise.

We hugged as soon as she appeared before me.
''How are you this lovely morning?'' Marcia asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

''Sleepy and lazy,'' I grumbled as she pulled me towards the first class we had together. I was one lucky girl to have a very similar schedule as my best friend.

''You know, we can go to the cinema this weekend then binge watch all dramas we can find. Sounds good?'' She asked as we sat at the table in front of the teacher.

''Sounds great. I will just have to tell my parents so they don't worry.'' I said. She nodded when some girls are also known as gossipers sat right behind us. They weren't bad, they just liked to talk about other people.

''No, bitch. I've seen her with some older man.'' Natasha, the redhead said.

''You saw who?'' Marcia said as she swiftly turned around. I didn't want to be a part of their gossiping but I was curious about the topic.

Natasha looked at Jessica, smirking, and turned once again to us.
''Paula Colton from the other class. I was going to the supermarket when I saw her in a car with some man in his early thirties. The car was the newest model of Jaguar.'' She said. My eyes widened. Paula had eyes for an older man. That's the first time I heard something like that.

''Do you think it's her boyfriend?'' Marcia asked curiously. I nodded as if I wanted to ask the same question.

''No, silly. It's her sugar daddy.'' Jessica replied chuckling.

''A sugar daddy? What's that?'' I asked. Marcia looked at me stupidly.

''You never heard about sugar daddies?'' Natasha frowned. I nodded.

''Well, simply explained, those are the men who give money to a girl for services.'' My eyes widened. I could only think of one service and that wasn't good.

''You mean like sexual ones?'' I asked quietly seeing that some people started coming into the classroom.

''It doesn't have to be only sexual. He may ask you to go for dinner with him or talk to him. He will still give you money and expensive gifts. That's what I heard.'' Natasha explained.

''That sounds easy on one part. Who wants to spend money on someone just to go on a dinner?'' I asked, shrugging. People had too much money I wouldn't even dream of.

''I don't know. But sounds interesting to me.'' Jessica said. We all looked at her.

''I didn't mean it in that way. Chill. Besides I'm eighteen so I can have a sugar daddy if I want to.'' She said.

''The only one who can't have it is Milla. She is still a baby.'' Marcia teased. I frowned and turned around just when the teacher entered the classroom.

Little did they know what I had in my mind.


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Keep in my mind that this story will be a short one. Enjoy!

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