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I stared at the picture of a thirty-year-old man who looked creepy.

I was at the site sugardaddy.com.

There was the signing up for free so I accepted. I couldn't think of any quick ways to make money. The only quick ways would be illegal, not that what I was doing was legal but it didn't make me feel that bad.

''Choose the age of your sugar daddy,'' I whispered as I looked at the bold letters.

20 to 30 years.
30 to 40 years.
40 to 50+ years.

I chose the first option as it seemed the fittest for my age. I was eighteen from now on, right?

Then they asked about the date of my birthday. I typed a one year earlier and weirdly they accepted without asking much. I typed in my name and they asked me to put in a photo I wish. I put a selfie of myself from two months ago.

Then the pictures opened. Every photo had a name under it. They were all in their middle the to late twenties. But then one of them wasn't.

Alessandro Manchini, 21.

I was baffled when I saw a hunk of a man. He had black jet hair and green eyes. He was dressed in a suit which seemed to be expensive.

I clicked on the heart next to his photo and went to message him. I was nervous as my fingers moved above the keyboard until I typed.


I almost slapped myself and realized there was no option to delete the message.

The doorknob of the room moved and I slammed the laptop down. It was already old so I hoped the screen didn't break.

''Hey, sis,'' Olivia said, putting her bag on the floor. I smiled nervously and set the laptop aside.

''Hey, baby sis. Did you have a good time with Sofy?'' I asked. My heart was still thumping after the message I have sent.

''It was okay. What were you doing on the laptop?'' She asked. I gulped and smiled.

''Just finished the assignment for school.'' I lied, feeling bad right after it. I never lied to anyone. I couldn't.

''Oh, okay.'' She shrugged and took a towel before leaving in the bathroom.

I opened the laptop quickly and closed the site before turning it off, making sure I deleted the history. I was calm after it but in the hope, the man would respond to me.

I needed the money. Fast.


I woke up feeling my dry throat. I took the bottle of water from the nightstand and finished half of it. The sun was already up and I assumed I fell asleep right after setting the laptop off. But today was Saturday so no school.

The laptop! The site!

I took my phone and logged into the site. And there was a notification that I got the message.

My fingertip hovered over the icon when I clicked it.


A simple message that made my heart thump ten times faster. Why I was so nervous? It was just a message over the phone. That man couldn't see me nor did he know who I was.

And it was sent 5 minutes ago. He must be active now.


I sent it again. I slapped my forehead when it made a sound. I turned to Olivia to see her fast asleep.

I meant to ask how are you.

I wrote. I waited to see that a few minutes passed. Then a message arrived.

I'm feeling good since such a beautiful girl asked me.

I involuntarily blushed as if he was telling me this in person. But he did look handsome in the pictures.

Are you available for dinner tomorrow? I assume you registered to this site for a reason.

My heart thumped at what I was about to do. I've never done this but I had to. This was the easiest way for me to earn money for my family.

Of course. Tell me the time and place.


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