Fuck It

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"I don't wanna talk about it."

"You had sex. With Sami."

I could see the cogs turning in Nadia's head as she stared at me, her brow raised in a perfect arch.

"It was a mistake, okay? A very satisfying mistake... Don't look at me like that." I scowled at her.

"I mean I'm all for getting under someone to get over someone, but did it have to be Sami?"

"I know." I whined, wishing for the thousandth time that day that I hadn't told her. "I know. And I know he's basically my boss and that his parents would not be happy if they found out and yes, we did fuck on their couch, and I feel awful about it but what's done is done and I don't know how to fix it so please just stop looking at me like that!" I rambled, ending my speech as a plea.

She glared at me, but I could see a spark of mischief alight in her eyes.

"Was it good?" I looked away for a moment, memories from the night before replaying themselves almost as though I was reliving it. Him, holding me down, his tongue against my neck as he pushed into me.

My eyes met her's and I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up in my chest.


We giggled.

"We should go out tonight." I said suddenly, interrupting our laughter.

"Jesus Mila, what's gotten into you?" Nadia answered, her laughter rekindling as she looked over at me,

"I just wanna get drunk." I answered, not bothering to elaborate as I knew she would know exactly what I meant.

"Just drunk?"

I looked up, watching as a sly grin took over her lips.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but that face looks dangerous." I answered, unable to hide the grin creeping its way onto my face.

"Hang on." She said, and I watched as she headed over to her closet, rummaging around in one of the drawers for a moment before returning, a small clear bag clutched in her hand.

"What are those?" I asked, catching sight of the two pills inside of the bag, one pink, one blue.

"Molly." She answered, as though it was the clearest thing in the world. "Or pingers, as you Brits call it."

I rolled my eyes with a laugh. I'd seen my friends take them countless times. I'd never wanted to try them myself, but tonight felt different.

"Take it." She said, opening the bag.

"The whole thing?"

"Yeah. You'll love it."

I grinned at her, tilting my head back and sticking my tongue out, waiting for her to place the pill on it before putting it back in my mouth

"Are you sure I shouldn't be starting with a half?" I asked belatedly, holding the pill on my tongue.

"Go big or go home, right?"

That was all the encouragement I needed.

'Go big' was exactly what we did and as I stood in the centre of the dance floor, basking in the heat of the lights, the last thing I wanted to do was go home.

I wasn't sure where Nadia had gone, one minute she'd been beside me with Prince, all three of us dancing as the music seemed to surround us, the next I was pressed up against a stranger, his hands tight on my waist as I moved seductively to the beat.

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