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The sky had already taken on an orange hue when Will and I started the course for his apartment. We unanimously decided, earlier on, that we'd talk at his place as Erin was currently at their uncle's place. I shifted and looked out the window at the wanning sky and rising moon. I mildly reminisced on the day and Debbie's beautiful wedding and all the fun I had.

But as the car neared William's upstate apartment, my nerves kicked in. I started feeling unsure about everything. What untold truths would I discover tonight? Were there even any untold truths?

The questions churned in my head leaving me uncertain and frustrated. Only one thing was certain and that was the little life currently forming in my womb. Odd, how I could already develop love for something so small and unseen. My hands unconsciously lowered to my abdomen.

"Are you okay?" William momentarily faced me then returned his focus to the road ahead.

"Yup," I placed my hands on my thighs instead.

"You sure?" He pressed, stealing another glance.

"Positive." I nodded and instantly grimaced. Why of all the words? Will interrupted my internal conflict and took my left hand in his and placed it on his thigh. I stared at our intertwined hands wondering how much longer this blissful ignorance would last.

"I need water." I announced as soon as we entered Will's apartment and dashed for his kitchen. I distantly heard his phone ring while filling my glass with water. With my back against the island counter, I drank to my fill then breathed out. I could do this. Everything would be alright. Why was I even so nervous? What was the worst that could happen? Famous last words...

Dropping the empty glass in the sink, I returned to the living room.

"Will, we need to—"

"I'm going to kill that bastard!" He abruptly stood up, throwing his phone down to the couch but it bounced off and landed on the floor instead. There was the definite sound of glass cracking before the silence came.

I'd never seen him this angry before. I took a small step forward, "what's wrong?"

He looked up and when his eyes locked on mine (ridiculous as it may sound), it felt like the world turned upside down. Not my world, his but by association, mine probably would too. I was scared.

"This was a mistake," he looked so pitiful and lonely I almost didn't hear his words. "I should have ended it before it began." He continued.

"What are you saying?" I slowly asked.

"The past month, Chicago, kissing you that first time, I shouldn't have. It's all my fault, I'm so sorry." His head bowed low and that was when it came. The shift, the upside down.

"Are you breaking up with me right now?" A single mirthless laugh.

"I don't know how else to—"

"You fucking asshole," I didn't wait for him to finish the words that'd no doubt tilt my world even more. "How dare you stand there and tell me it was all a mistake?" I wanted to cry.

How dare you stand there and break my heart for the second time?

"Is there even a big secret or you're really just an asshole and I've stupidly let my guard down again? I can't do this, I really can't." I grabbed my purse from the center table and bolted out of his apartment.

I angrily pressed the elevator button while hot tears now blurred my vision.

"Please let me explain." Two strong arms turned me around and I pushed them off.

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