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I stared at my closet in dismay. The grey pants I'd planned on wearing had a stain and none of my other skirts would go well with my top. I considered changing the entire outfit altogther but saw a flash of grey. The dark grey pants seemed to mock me as I lifted it up. It'd been years since it was last worn. I walked over to the mirror, stared at my backside then the pants. I'd definitely added a few pounds since then. Would it even fit?

A few pulls and grunts later, victory was mine. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, thoroughly satisfied with my outfit for the day. After a few other adjustments, I headed out to work.

"Morning," Heather greeted as I placed my bag on my desk.

"Good morning. Is he in yet?" I asked and she shook her head. I sighed contentedly before sitting down.

"You look a little tired, are you okay?" I noticed.

She yawned. "My fiance and I spent almost the whole night talking, we finally set a date for our wedding."

"Oh that's great," I smiled, "when is it?"

"Next year January." She grinned happily.

"Congratulations again then." I smiled again. Wedding bells seemed to be ringing everywhere lately.

William arrived a few minutes after and Lilian about half an hour later. I could have touched the moon when she didn't start another one of her lessons. I hadn't yet fully recovered from yesterday's blow. At noon, William called for a meeting in one of the boardrooms; the attendees being just he, Heather, Lilian and I.

"Did you add rose gold to the list of colours for the new tablet Sx?" He asked Lilian.

"Yes sir and I sent it to the development team this morning." She replied.

I finally researched about William's company last night. I was surprised to know their gadgets and a few other apps and software were leading the tech market this year. Even if William hadn't bought this company, I'd have eventually heard about his success one way or another. That much was fated to happen.

"What was the last product Leona and Dieter put out into the market again?" William asked staring at me.

"A nano SIM card(4FF)."

"Who made it and when did it start selling?"

Heather placed down the file on the maker of the SIM card that we'd prepared prior to the meeting before speaking. "Twain Yanus. He developed the SIM card around November last year but only got it to Dieter and Leona January this year, when it was finally marketed as a joint product."

"Where is he now?" He asked gazing through the file.

Heather cleared her throat, "He's dead. He died in a boating accident sometime in February and since his family didn't understand the know-hows of his work, they discontinued the SIM."

"And it inevitably caused Dieter and Leona a lot of money." I finished. After gathering all the information of Twain Yanus, his family and Dieter and Leona, I felt saddened by the unfortunate turn of events that affected everyone greatly.

"Okay, thank you." I noticed a slight change in his speech but didn't ponder. "Lilian what is my schedule for the rest of the week like?"

"You have a charity gala ball Friday night and the McLaren's tech launch party Saturday night." She relayed and he nodded.

"Will you be accompanying me for the two parties?"

"I will actually be occupied." Lilian said and then, an oddity occurred. The ever stern and strict Lilian blushed. Her pale cheeks turned pink and the corners of her lips lifted but flattened so fast, it became a ghost. What just happened?

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