Your Awakening

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You most likely are here to learn more about theriotype(s)
Well I may be just a beginner but I can give you some tips and tricks!

Firstly, what is a theriotype?
A theriotype is when someone believes that in their past life they were an animal, or that their spirit is an animals and their guide/spirit animal is there to lead them home and teach them the ways
The most popular kind of theriotype(s) is/are canines (dog like figures)
And felines (cat like figures)

How do we awaken it?
You can think of your favourite place mine for example is a snowy frost .You can sleep with a blanket or somthing that resembles your theriotype or what you think it is , you can also meditate my personal way of awakening (that has worked for me) is by turning off all the light and covering my eyes, then trying to make an image apear of that place that I was thinking of look around your surroundings and imagine a fog coming into the scene, when that happens call out for you animal (note your imagination should supposedly call out the animal) when this happens tell them a bit about yourself but not a whole biography like tell them your name and maybe they will reply
if it does not work then that's okay! You can try again!
(Note You can not choose your animal)

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