Theriotype(s) Can Vary

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There are many different theriotypes!
For example the most common theriotypes are canines and felines but these can vary
From ants, to mouses , to elephants!
One of your theriotypes can also be a specific type of germ!
As an example one of my friends theriotypes is a mix fox! Her name is Nazu!

Not only can your theriotype be a real animal it can also be a mythical animal! These are called otherkin for example I have an otherkin! She is a kitsune but these can also vary from Pegasus to dragons!

With awakening your animal some people may feel, "phantom limbs" these are like tails that people feel like they have,
Most commonly seen is tail and ears
Say your theriotype is a bird, maybe your arms would feel like wings

When I say, "theriotypes" I mean the plural, you can have more than one theriotype

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