Chapter 3 // The Deal...

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Kirigiri gathered her thoughts as she walked back to the cafeteria with everyone else. She couldn't help but feel guilty, Makoto wasn't supposed to die but she threw him under the bus anyway. However, it couldn't be helped. She was the only one who could find the secrets behind Hope's Peak Academia.

She looked up at everyone in front of her. She was searching for the most trustworthy. The person that would least likely be the mastermind. "Hey, Byakuya. Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked. Byakuya raised an eyebrow as he turned around.

She watched as everyone else walked away out of hearing before turning to face the young heir. "I'm going to tell you something. But I need you to promise to keep it to yourself. I was originally going to tell Makoto this but... you seen what happened."

Byakuya sighed pushing his glasses farther up his nose. "I suppose if it's.... important I could listen. But this better be quick." Kyoko nodded in understanding. "There's a reason I have to survive. There's a reason I came to this school." Byakuya raised his eyebrow once more. "I made up my mind to come to Hope's Peak Academia for one very important reason." Kirigiri sighed. "But as you may already know, I'd forgotten what it was..."

"Then I suppose you weren't lying about the memory loss." Kyoko nodded before continuing. "Do you remember Byakuya? Do you remember the first thing that happened to us, as we each arrived at this school?"

Byakuya crossed his arms over his chest. "Your talking about when we fainted right? I fainted and when I woke up I was in some dusty old classroom." Kyoko looked to the side. "I fainted too. But when I woke up, I noticed a strange feeling of.... separation within myself. A disconnection." She looked back up at Byakuya. "Thinking back on it now, at that point my memory was gone. At that time I'd forgotten. I couldn't remember why I'd come to this school, and I couldn't remember what my ultimate talent was."

"And how am I supposed to help you with that? What would even make you forget all of that in the first place?"  Byakuya rolled his eyes. "Stange isn't it? It's hard to think it happened all by chance. It seems much too convenient."

"Are you saying you think you lost your memory because-" Kyoko cut him off? "I don't think. I'm positive it was the work of the mastermind. They stole my memory."

"That doesn't even make any sense. Why would they want to do that?!"

"There's only one reason I could come up with. Because of my purpose, and my ability.  Somehow they would interfere with the mastermind's plans. But.... it could also mean, that somehow my memories may be connected to the mystery of the school, and the mastermind. Which is why I have to get them back. That's why I've been investing by myself this whole time. Not because I was up to no good." 

"But if what you say is true, why didn't you ask the rest of us to help you?" Byakuya pushed up his glasses once more. "If I did that, and we all worked as one, the mastermind would have noticed right away. Plus... there's always the chance that the mastermind is actually one of us..." Byakuya nodded in agreement. "Yes.. that is very much a possibility. But even so why pick me out of everyone to tell this information. I could still be the mastermind you know." 

"Because among everyone other than Makoto, you are the least likely to be the mastermind. This is just an intuition but..." "I see... your intuition is right. I don't have too much time on my hands to plan out a killing game such as this." Kyoko nodded. "Well... I know I never asked you for help right away, so I understand if you are not too convinced." Byakuya ignored her statement and asked a question of his own.  "You said you had a reason for doing all that investigating on your own... So how did it turn out? Did you find out anything?"

"I think there's a lot I don't remember, however at the very least, I was finally able to recall what my purpose and ability are. My ability... what everyone should have known me for... I'm the Ultimate Detective." Byakuya blinked and looked at her. "Well yeah anyone could have told you that." She looked at him stunned. "W-what... what do you mean?" Byakuya rolled his eyes, frustrated. "You know more about dead bodies than anyone else here. It was pretty obvious."  

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