Chapter 6 // Our Last Trial...

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"Hey-ho! On with the show! The big finale kicks off... right now!" Monokuma laughed excitedly. "Once more unto the breach, dear friends! Long faces and all!" He twirled around on his chair. "Yee-Haw!" he did a front flip onto the tile ground. "Since this will be the classroom trial to end all classroom trials, yours truly will be taking part!! Now, as for our agreement, unmask Mukuro Ikusaba's murderer and disclose the big, bad secret behind Hope's Peak High School, and you win! Fail to do so, and... dun-dun-duuuuun... I win!" 

Everyone looked around, their eyes wide, and nervous. "It goes without saying a fabulously vicious punishment awaits the losing side, so fight, fight, fight!" Kyoko's lips pressed together. "So the stakes are the same for both of us? You will submit to execution if we win?" she asked the two-toned bear. Monokuma put his arms around his back. "But of course, a bear's word is his bond!"

"Fine!" an angry Hagakure yelled out. "You can all start by admitting your involvement!" his hands pressed hard against his wood podium. "Ohhh? Why so serious? Does he have a widdle tummy ache?" Monokuma asked the curly-haired teen, only to be ignored. Hagakure held up a picture for everyone to see. "Every one of you is in bed with the mastermind! I have proof!" Everyone's eyes widened except for two. "No way!" Asahina shouted. "I got a picture kinda like that!" "Me, too!" Fukawa stated. "Monokuma said it was a clue." 

"So... we each have a photo with everyone in it but are selves?" Kyoko asked. "Apparently..." Byakuya replied. "I was given one as well. My first thought was the same, you were all in bed with whoever's behind this. However, I've come to a realization." Kyoko looked up at Byakuya, her eyes widened. "Byakuya's right. No one in this room is in bed with the mastermind, however, the pictures are real." 

Everyone but Byakuya looked at Kyoko liked she was crazy. "But I don't remember posing for any of these pictures! How could they be real?!" Asahina shouted out. Kyoko sighed. "Just let me explain. When I was searching around a bit on my own I found out something. Me and Hagakure both have old school things in our lockers." Everyone gasped in shock. "Dude, are you on something? Cause if I even have a locker, that's some serious news to me!" 

"You do, there's a bank of them on the second floor. Byakuya and I found the principal's digital notebook. It can open any of the lockers. There was a journal inside one. It talked about converting this place into some kind of shelter." Hagakure put a hand up to his head. "Yeah, okay. So who'd the journal belong to?"

"Well," Kiri pulled out the mini-book. "That is most definitely my handwriting, so we can only assume it's mine. However, I have no memory of writing it in, nor any memory of my father." Kyoko let out a small sigh. "I know this is not a very pleasant thought, however, it must be said. These pictures are real. We have amnesia."  

For a few moments, the room went completely silent. 

"Well, that's a whip and a half...Does kinda make sense, though...Except it's the craziest bad sci-fi explanation anyone's ever tried to jumble my brain's with!" Hagakure's hands formed into fists. "Yeah, I mean cmon. What's that called? "Arkham's Razor?"' Byakuya sighed disappointedly. "Look, if that was the only thing pointing in that direction, fine. But I'm afraid we stumbled across something else." Byakuya pulled a tiny, blue-chip out of his pocket. "A video file of everyone talking, to the principal." Fukawa gasped. "Too who?!" 

"Yes, I hardly believed it myself at first, considering the lack of memory. We're being interviewed. One on one. About this school." Fukawa started playing with her tail braids. "M-master B-Byakuya what d-did we s-say?" Byakuya scowled but answered anyway. "We're agreeing to spend the rest of our lives in this god awful place. The principal lays it out and we consent to stay." 

Everyone gasped. Confused. 

"D-do we seem hesitant, or forced!?" Asahina asked. Kyoko shook her head. "That's complete crap! Why on earth would we agree to this!?" Fukawa distressed. Kyoko sighed. "I wish I had an answer, but that I do not know. However, I can say for certain that the video is real along with the pictures." 

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