⠀⠀03. the greatest detective, in action⠀⠀

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RANPO CAME OVER the next afternoon, a soda can in one hand and a close-to-empty packet of chips in the other

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RANPO CAME OVER the next afternoon, a soda can in one hand and a close-to-empty packet of chips in the other.

He faltered in his step when he saw that Y/N already had company—Yuriko, her best friend, leaned against the counter, talking to the girl while she arranged slices of freshly-baked banana bread in the display.

She looked up when he opened the glass door, smile gracing her features at the sight of him. "Ranpo!"

Wiping her hands on the front of her apron, she closed the display case just as he approached her, throwing the empty chip packet in the bin as he passed it and stopped a short distance away from Y/N and her friend.

Yuriko eyed him curiously, brushing a lock of her caramel-brown bob behind her hair as she leaned against the counter. Who was this man?

Y/N looked between Ranpo and Yuriko, who both seemed equally uneased by the other's presence. She couldn't help but wince when she saw Yuriko's sharp expression—her friend was a little protective and not so welcoming to others. But at the same time, Ranpo wasn't any better as he stared Yuriko down as though she'd stolen his candy.

"You're standing in my place," was the first thing Ranpo said to her.

Yuriko raised a brow at the petty accusation. "Excuse me?"

"That's where I always stand," he continued. "So move."

With his hands on his hips and a frown on his features, Ranpo looked akin to the toddlers who threw a tantrum when they were denied what they wanted. And Yuriko? She looked like she would start a fight—physical, even—any minute with the way her amber eyes burned.

Oh, this was not going to end well...

"The hell? Go stand outside, for all I care," Yuriko replied, standing her ground. "I'm not moving."

The frown on Ranpo's features further deepened as he huffed. "Move!"

Yuriko's reply was instantaneous. "No"

From the other end of a room, a businesswoman looked up from where she was sitting and trying to enjoy the cake slice she'd ordered while simultaneously doing her work, clearly getting disrupted by the noise. Y/N noticed her gaze and sent her an apologetic look, just as Ranpo spoke again.



Having finally had enough, Y/N leaned over the counter and placed her hands between the two, pushing them apart before they could go at each other's throats any further. "You guys, calm down! I'll kick you both out if you cause any more of a commotion in my bakery."

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