Author Note

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Assalamualikum everyone I'm your author shyear. I hope everyone is doing fine. So before I start I wanted to let you know some important things regarding the story. Before that thanks for choosing my book and giving it a chance

❐ The major facts regarding the story

This story is totally fictional, based on my imagination.

  This story is just for entertainment purpose so don't take it seriously.

Other facts regarding the story –

This is my first time I'm writing I'll be glad if you voice out your judgement through vote and comment.

➳  This is an original so no copyright please.

➳  Lastly I'm an beginner so I apologise before hand.

Any race/religion can read this book as it doesn't replicate the religion Islam completely. So don't judge religion based on this book. As I'm an amateur there's gonna tons of mistake kindly don't misjudge the book on the basis of it. It takes a lot of time and effort to shape and write something be kind with words. It's kindly request to all.

Lastly the book isn't fully edited so you might find slight errors here and there.

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