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"Good morning, Norman..." A voice in the speaker said

"Good morning." I said as I went to take my temperature.

"You are one healthy boy, take your breakfast now!" It said 

"Thank you for the food!" I say as I start to eat

I have been here for a few months now...I could stop worrying about my family, Did they make it out in time?, how is it outside?




y/n...dammit, Please be okay! I'm worried sick about everyone-, I just want to see you guys...

I want to see you...

"200 questions answer all in under 20 seconds..." A scientist said as I sit in my chair

----------------------------------------1 hour later----------------------------------

"Perfect score again..." He said as other scientist came and escorted me back to my room

On my way I see horrible experiments used on children, this farm isn't like back at grace field...

My 'boss' Peter Ratri is head of the Ratri clan, He is the one letting this happen while children suffer...

"Medication check." The speaker says as it dispenses some pills.

Even though I work with them, they still treat me like an experiment, they don't fully trust me...

I take my pills, and go on my bed, it soft but isolation feels like hell to me, I bet more is going on outside...

I'm Alive.

I want to go outside.

I need to see you guys...

Emma, Ray, and Y/n...


y/n, I want to see you again, I have to escape to be reunited once again- but it's way harder than it looks, because there is no escape here...

But for you, I'd cross the biggest mountain, swim the deepest river and travel the whole world just to see your face just once more...

just one more time...

I get hope knowing If I escape from this damn place I'll see you, and we'll be together!

We'll go to the human world and live together, what I really want to do is just be by your side...

I pull out the rose quartz from under my pillow and look at it as I smile

------------------------------IN NORMAN'S DREAM!---------------------------

I wake up but not exactly in lambda...

It was beautiful, a grassy hill with a ocean at the bottom of the hill...

"Hello?" I said as I see a figure in the ocean playing and splashing around

I noticed her voice right away, It was Y/N! I ran to the bottom almost falling.

"Y/N!" I shouted as I run to her but I walk right through her...

"I wish you were here..." I hear her cry

"I'm right here Y/N!" I say facing her 

"We all miss you, and now you're gone..." She said sobbing

"Y/N I'm here! I'm- Alive!" I said concerned

can she not see that I'm right here?

"It's my damn fault...I should have checked the wall before he did- and maybe...just maybe he would have lived..." She said choking on her words


"Just wake up Norman..." she said sternly

"W-what.." I said muttered

"Wake up." She said once more

"Wake up"

"Wake up."

"Wake up!" She shouted before I open my eyes to a white ceiling

-----------------------------DREAM HAS ENDED-----------------------------

I gasp as I hold my chest and wake up...

I run my hands through my hair, angry...

"FUCK-" I yell as I sit on my bed as my eyes spill hot salty tears.

I stand up and knock over my desk, as papers fly through my room

"Come back..." I grunt as I lay on the ground. I didn't care if they could see my tantrum through the cameras

"All of you go to hell..."I mutter as I curl up in to a ball as I sob

I threw my pillow off my bed and knocked down my medications on the floor

I sit down in my chair and chuckle as tears stream down my eyes...

"I'm not getting out of here am I?" I mutter as I rub my face

"You like to watch me lose my mind don't you?!" I say staring into the cameras

"I will end all of you. I'll make it hurt. I want to see you all burn. Die..." I whisper as I stare at the ground

"For her. For them. I'll kill anyone. Like you do to us. I want to see you all suffer in hell..." I mutter as I sternly look into the camera

"I will win"




𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 (𝐖/ 𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐘/𝐍)Where stories live. Discover now