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It was a neck to neck point for any of us, Emma and my volleyball team were tied with the 2 time champions: Riverside High. The red robins... V.s us. Calver High The golden Eagles.

I was the main spiker and Emma was our setter, It was our first season and it was going great. I can hear Gilda, Anna and the children cheering. It was set 5 and our libero: Barbra saved the ball as our passers hit it to Emma for a set...

She set it as I jumped and put all my strength into it as it broke through the grasp of the blockers and made it's way to the ground. I scored...

Screams filled the gym as I felt arms and people jump on top of me.




I get out from the crowd to go and see the kids.

"Y/NN! YOU WON I'M SO PROUD!!!" Gida cried as she jumped to hug me

"Congrats Y/N!" Anna said softly as the children went to tackle Emma

"Where's Norman and Ray?" I asked Gilda

"Oh, They said they were going to get something I don't kn-" She said before I felt someone cover my eyes from behind

"Guess who~?" Norman said as I smiled and turned around

"Congratulations darling!" He happily said as he handed me flowers.

"AWH- you shouldn't have!" I smiled as Ray ran up to me

"Did ya win??" He said as he took out his wallet

"YUP! now the part of the deal???!!" I said taking out my hand as he pulled out $20.

"MONEYYYY!!" I yelled as I snatched the 20 bill.

The ceremony started as The teams sat down...

"...AND CONCLUDING THE 2048 VOLLEYBALL CHAMPION FINALS..." Our principal excitedly said

"CALVER HIGH SCHOOL'S GOLDEN EAGLES!" She said as we lined up to get our medals

We left the school and I took a shower. I sat on my vanity and brushed my hair, I had a sudden urge to go see my boyfriend since he has been working for student body president...

I knock on his door, but no answer...

I knock again but it was silent so I let myself in. Where I found Norman sleeping on his desk...

"Norman..." I whispered as I shook him

"Come on you gotta go to bed..." I whispered as he groaned

"No-I'm fine.." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm and put it around my neck to help him up.

"Let's go..." I groaned as I helped him to his bed.

"Night Normann..." I said as I gave him a small kiss before I felt him grab my arm

"I'd sleep better with you here..." He said as I felt my face warm up

"Please, stay...here." He mumbled as he pulled me back

I ended up sleeping there. Peacefully with him...




𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 (𝐖/ 𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐘/𝐍)Where stories live. Discover now