Chapter 7

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Five and I were sitting in his room trying to process what just happened.

"Was that Hazel and Cha-Cha?" I ask.

"Yup. I don't know how they found us but they did."

Five takes off his blazer and uniform, leaving him in just a tank top. I look at his shoulder and remember he got shot.

"Shit Five! Why didn't you remind me that you got shot? We have to get the bullet out," I say as I grab the medkit out of my bag.

"Honestly, I forgot," Five says.

I grab a chair and sit next to him. I take an alcohol whip and began to clean the bullet wound.

"I am going to have to pull it out with tweezers so it's going to hurt like hell. I would squeeze something."


I take some tweezers out of the medkit and disinfect them. I look at the bullet barely sticking out of the bullet hole. Thankful, it didn't go in that deep. I take a deep breath and slowly pull the bullet out.

"Shit that hurts," Five says.

He closes his eyes and squeezes his bedsheets.

"I know. It's almost out."

I slowly pull the bullet until it comes out. Finally, it falls on the floor. I pick it up and throw it in the trash. I grab a needle and thread and stitch Five's wound closed.

"So are you going to tell me how you made Hazel and Cha-Cha lose their memories for minutes and not seconds?" Five asks.

"Do I have to?"

"No, I'm just confused. That's all."

I sigh and look at Five.

"Fine. I always knew I could reboot people for more than a few seconds, but I choose not to do it."


"Because last time I did it didn't go well," I say as I put the needle and thread up.

"What happened?" Five asks.

I walk over and sit next to him on his bed.

"One day when we were 10, Dad called me down for private lessons. So I went to the training room and when I walked in, there was Dad and Vanya. I asked him why she was there but he just ignored me. Dad told me I was going to be practicing my rebooting powers. I was confused because I thought I had perfected my powers but apparently not. Apparently, I can reboot people for longer than 30 seconds. He told me I could make people lose their memory temporarily for minutes and sometimes even hours. And, if I really wanted to I could make people lose their memory permanently. Forever. He made me test my powers on Vanya. I didn't want to but he made me. So, I rebooted her and like always her memory came back after a couple of seconds. But Dad wasn't satisfied. He wanted me to make her lose her memory for a few minutes."

"How does that even work? How can you make some lose their memory for so long?"Five asks.

"When I reboot someone I scramble electrical signals in their brain. If I keep scrambling them it has longer effects. Dad had me test on Vanya so many times that she passed out. Remember that time Vanya lost her memory and Dad said she fell down the stairs at night and hit her head?"

Five nods his head.

"Yeah well, that is bullshit. I rebooted her so many times and messed with her electrical signals so much that she passed out and lost her memory permanently."

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