Chapter 20

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It has been a few hours since we got back to the academy with Allison. It's now 8 in the morning. I was currently helping Grace finish the last stitch on Allison's neck. I had to take a 10-minute break earlier because I kept blaming myself for what happened and how I should have been there but, Five was there to calm me down. He told me it wasn't my fault and I can't blame myself. I realized he was right and calmed down. Now I have to focus on the apocalypse.

Speaking of the apocalypse, today is the day it's supposed to happen. I'm really stressed out because we are not even close to finding Jenkins. If we don't find him soon the world will go up in flames. Five is also really stressed but he doesn't want to admit it. Speaking of Five, he was currently waiting in the infirmary for me to get done helping Mom with Allison.

"Thank you, dear," Mom says to me with a smile.

"No problem," I say, smiling back.

Mom turns around and looks at Five.

"Five, dear, how are your stitches?" Mom asks.

"They're fine. Thanks, Mom," Five says with a small smile.

"They should be ready to be taken off today. Y/N, will you help Five take off his stitches while I clean up," Grace says to me.

I nod my head and Five jumps onto one of the medical tables. He lifts up his blazer, sweater vest, and and under shirt and I begin taking out the stitches.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I ask.

"Try and stop the apocalypse of course," Five says. When I take out the last stitch Five jumps off of the medical table.

"How does your wound feel?" I ask.

"A lot better. Can hardly feel it," Five says with a smile.

There was just a little scar on his stomach from the stitches. Five looks down at my hands and clothes and sees they still have blood on them.

"Come on. Let's go run you a bath before we go anywhere," Five says.

He takes me to my room and we walk to my bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait until the water is hot.

"I'll be outside if you need me," Five says as he walks out the door.

I nod and he blinks away. I stand under the hot shower and think. The apocalypse is supposed to be happening soon and we have no leads. Allison can't talk and we have no idea where Vanya is.

I shake my head and focus on getting the blood off my hands. The water runs red as it goes down the drain. When I was done I take my clothes that had blood on them and put them in my laundry basket. I put on a pair of my uniform and brush my hair. I look down at my hands and see all the blood is gone. I sigh and sit down on my bed. I untuck my wedding and engagement ring from under my dress and look at it.

Five and I were keeping them tucked under our clothes so our siblings don't see them but now that they know that we are married it doesn't matter. I walk over to my vanity mirror and smile as I look at the rings.

My mind became so preoccupied with thoughts about how the world was supposed to end today that I didn't even notice I zoned out for a good 10 minutes. I snap out of my deep thinking when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and someone lay their head on my shoulder. I look in the mirror and see it was Five. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I smile.

"What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" Five asks as we look in the mirror.

"I can't believe I am saying this but, I'm scared," I say.

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